A pixel painting dApp on the Telos blockchain using Vue + webpack
npm version 6.1.0^
node version 9.4.0^
clone repository
git clone https://github.com/CALEOS/caleos-canvas.git
navigate to project root directory
cd caleos-canvas
install project dependencies
npm install
run dev build with hot-reloading
npm run dev
run linter
npm run lint
run linter auto-fix
npm run lint:fix
run jest tests
npm run test
├── ... ├──assets #global styles ├──build │ └──webpack.config.dev.js # webpack build configuration ├──src │ ├──__tests__ # jest tests │ ├──components # components parent dir │ ├──js # external js & 3rd party │ ├──pages # page root instances │ ├──router # routes & nav │ ├──App.vue # root app component │ ├──main.js # entry point │ └── img # immages ├──static # static assets //TODO move to assets dir │ └── img # images ├── index.html # doc root └── ...