some contributions to the SCHNAPPs project (
Tempora is a novel cell trajectory inference method that orders cells using time information from time-series scRNAseq data. Tempora uses biological pathway information to help identify cell type relationships and can identify important time-dependent pathways to help interpret the inferred trajectory.
SCORPIUS an unsupervised approach for inferring linear developmental chronologies from single-cell RNA sequencing data.
The mapping of a principal graph into multidimensional data space is regularized by minimizing the stretching of the graph edges and the deviation from harmonicity for the graph stars.
CelliD is a robust statistical method that performs gene signature extraction and functional annotation for each individual cell in a single-cell RNA-seq dataset.
Unsupervised clustering of genes.
applies ensemble learning for single-cell differential expression analysis on single-cell RNA-seq dataset.
This is actually implemented in the main up, but only available if scDEA is installed. Since it is very heavy computationally it is documented only here.
load some utility functions.
seuratList = list() # list of count objects coming from the modified Seurat H5 reader
sampleNames <- c("Buffercells", "GFPcells")
# PROJECTFOLDER = 10X project folder that holds the 'counts' directory
# we are reading filtered H5 files.
for (sIdx in 1:2){
h5file <- paste0("PROJECTFOLDER/counts/",sampleNames[sIdx],"/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5")
seuratList[[sIdx]] <- myRead10X_h5(h5file, use.names = TRUE, unique.features = TRUE, sampleName = sampleNames[sIdx])
scexSeurat = seuratList[[1]]
for (sIdx in 2){
scexSeurat <- cbind(scexSeurat, seuratList[[sIdx]])
# print the result
# filter genes with no expression
scexSeurat = scexSeurat[rowSums(as.matrix(scexSeurat))>0,]
# make sure that no genes exist with the same overall expression. This would cause problems for some calculations.
scexSeurat = unique(as.matrix(scexSeurat))
scEx <- SingleCellExperiment(
assay = list(counts = scexSeurat),
colData = pd,
rowData = featuredata
featureData_summary <- data.frame(
"Description" = NA,
"gene_id" = my_gene$gene_id,
"Chromosome.Name" = my_gene$seqid,
"Associated.Gene.Name" = my_gene$gene_name,
stringsAsFactors = F
# featureData_summary <- featureData_summary[, -2]
featuredata <- data.frame(featureData_summary, stringsAsFactors = F)
featuredata$id <- featuredata$Associated.Gene.Name
featuredata$symbol <- make.unique(featuredata$Associated.Gene.Name)
featuredata <- featuredata[which(featuredata$symbol %in% rownames(scexSeurat)), ]
featuredata <- unique(featuredata)
featuredata[which(duplicated(featuredata$symbol)), ]
# rownames(featuredata) = 1:nrow(featuredata)
# featureDatatmp <- featuredata[, -2]
# featureDatatmp <- unique(featureDatatmp)
#same symbol, different ensg numbers:
# featuredata = featuredata[rownames(featureDatatmp), ]
rownames(featuredata) <- featuredata$symbol
nrFD = nrow(featuredata)
newRowNames = rownames(scexSeurat)[which(!rownames(scexSeurat) %in% featuredata$Associated.Gene.Name)]
if (length(newRowNames) > 0) {
featuredata[(nrFD + 1):(nrFD + length(newRowNames)),] <- NA
rownames(featuredata[(nrFD + 1):(nrFD + length(newRowNames)),]) <- newRowNames
featuredata[(nrFD + 1):(nrFD + length(newRowNames)),"symbol"] <- newRowNames
featuredata[(nrFD + 1):(nrFD + length(newRowNames)),"Description"] <- newRowNames
featuredata[(nrFD + 1):(nrFD + length(newRowNames)),"Associated.Gene.Name"] <- newRowNames
featuredata[(nrFD + 1):(nrFD + length(newRowNames)),"id"] <- newRowNames
rownames(scexSeurat)[which(!rownames(scexSeurat) %in% featuredata$Associated.Gene.Name)]
rownames(scexSeurat)[which(!featuredata$Associated.Gene.Name %in% rownames(scexSeurat)) ]
# scexSeurat <- scexSeurat[featuredata$Associated.Gene.Name, ]
featuredata <- featuredata[rownames(scexSeurat), ]
# featuredata$Description = featureData_summary93[featuredata$gene_id,"Description"]
pd <- data.frame(
barcode = sub("(.*)-(.*)", "\\1", colnames(scexSeurat)),
sampleNames = sub(".*-(.*)", "\\1", colnames(scexSeurat))
pd$barcode <- as.character(pd$barcode)
rownames(pd) <- colnames(scexSeurat)
hs.pairs <- readRDS("mouse_cycle_markers.rds")
ensembl <- mapIds(, keys=rownames(featuredata), keytype="SYMBOL", column="ENSEMBL")
assignments <- cyclone(scexSeurat, hs.pairs, gene.names=ensembl, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam())
pd$phases = assignments$phases
pd$G1score = assignments$normalized.scores$G1
pd$Sscore = assignments$normalized.scores$S
pd$G2Mscore = assignments$normalized.scores$G2M
pd$phases[$phases)] = "NA"
pd$G1score[$G1score)] = "NA"
pd$Sscore[$Sscore)] = "NA"
pd$G2Mscore[$G2Mscore)] = "NA"
# scExTemp <- applySingleR(scEx, DatabaseImmuneCellExpressionData(), "cellTypes")
# colData(scEx)$cellTypes = as.factor(colData(scExTemp)$cellTypes)
fname = "Ferdinand-scRNAseq"
outfile <- paste0(fname, ".RData")
save(file = outfile, list = c("scEx"))
# set.seed(1)
# colIdx <- sample(1:ncol(scexSeurat), 2000, replace = FALSE)
# scEx <- SingleCellExperiment(
# assay = list(counts = scexSeurat[, colIdx]),
# colData = pd[colIdx, ],
# rowData = featuredata
# )
# outfile <- paste0(fname, ".sml.RData")
# save(file = outfile, list = c("scEx"))
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
echo = FALSE,
include = TRUE
output_file = paste0(fname, ".report.html"),
output_format = "html_document",
params = list(
fileN = paste0(fname, ".RData"),
min.genes = 2,
min.cells = 3,
low.thres1 = 2,
low.thres2 = -Inf,
high.thres1 = 2500,
high.thres2 = 2000