Releases: C1710/BlobmojiPreview
External emoji font support
You can now use other emoji fonts!
It only requires an EmojiCompat-ible font located at /storage/emulated/0/Android/de.c1710.blobmojipreview/files/EmojiCompat.ttf
Update gun emoji
The gun emoji is not an actual gun anymore but.... no toy gun either.
It's something in between.... Some kind of hybrid version
New breads
Since I saw a Tweet by @Crissov yesterday, I added new breads to Blobmoji today (using skintone modifiers). It's now available in Blobmoji Preview as well.
In addition to this, the APK of this release is now signed by Google Play which means updates between these two versions is now possible.
Another change is that from now on only Android™ 4.4 (API level 19) and above are supported as emojis cannot be displayed on older versions of Android.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
Initial Release
The app now includes:
- An Activity which you can share text containing emojis to
- A simple interface where you can paste/type text containing emojis.
Open Source license
This version includes an open source licenses screen.