Redirect DNS traffic to an upstream.
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(replace linux with darwin or windows.exe for other OS versions)
Example Terraform compatible provisioner section (why is resolved so painful, pls give me a better solution):
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved",
"sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved",
"sed -i 's/' /etc/resolv.conf",
"chmod +x dnsfwd_linux",
"tmux new -d './dnsfwd_linux -v -o -u ${var.upstream} -d ${}'"
This will forward all subdomains of, and to a host listening on 1053 at It will not produce verbose output, and will not log to a file (see other options for that)
./dnsfwd -d, -u
-d string
highest level domain you'd like to filter on (can specify multiple, split on commas)
log full dns queries and responses
-l string
Local address to listen on. Defaults to all interfaces on 53. (default "")
-o Log output to file (there will probably be a lot of junk here if verbose, and full queries are turned on)
-of string
Path of log file location (defaults to local dir) (default "dnsfwd.log")
-t string
Transport to use. Options are the Net value for a DNS Server (udp, udp4, udp6tcp, tcp4, tcp6, tcp-tls, tcp4-tls, tcp6-tls). Multiple can be supplied - comma separate (default "tcp,udp")
-timeout int
default timeout value for read/write/dial (default 2)
-u string
Upstream server to send requests to. Requires port!! (default "")
-ut string
Transport to use for upstream. Defaults to UDP. (default "udp")
-v enable verbose
show version and exit