Jester plugin for api rate limiting. This plugin is built to work on single and multithreaded jester servers. This plugin implements to types of trackers to limit api rate. The first tracker makes use of locks and nim's ref type
for gcsafe and corruption free rate limiting. While the other makes use of a sqlite in memory instance which is not bounded to the nim gc
and the db's write operations are controlled by locks to prevent data corruption hence it is also gcsafe and corruption free. This plugin is safe to be used in single and mutithreaded instances
import threadpool, clown_limiter, jester
from std / nre import re
from std / jsonutils import toJson
addLimiterEndpoints(@[("^/$", 50, 60), ("([/]|[A-z])+(.json)$", 50, 60)]) ## only limit the endpoint '/' and
## endpoints ending with `.json` and limit those endpoints by 50 rates per 60 seconds. Do not call this in a threaded proc
proc server() =
get "/":
resp "home page"
get "/apiendpoint.json":
resp (status : true, msg : "opt successful").toJson()
extend clown_limiter, "" ## can use second param of extend to further restrict clown limiter to certain endpoints
-d:useSqliteTracker enables the use of in memory sqlite as the counter, else the normal counter will be used
import clown_limiter / datatype
import std / [locks, exitprocs, asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch]
from std / nre import contains, Regex
from std / asyncnet import getPeerAddr
from std / httpcore import newHttpHeaders
from std / sugar import `=>`
from std / strformat import fmt
when not defined(useSqliteCounter):
## when not specified to use in memory sqlite to store tracking data
import clown_limiter / counters / counter
export counter
## when specified to use in memory sqlite to store tracking data
import clown_limiter / counters / sqlitecounter
export sqlitecounter
LimitRule* = tuple[pattern : Regex, rate, freq : int]
ruleLock* : Lock
clownLimiterDataDoNotTouch* {.guard : ruleLock.} : seq[LimitRule] ## Do not mutate this variable directly 👀👀,
## but instead use the addLimiterEndpoints proc
addExitProc(() {.noconv.} => (deinitLock(ruleLock)))
proc addLimiterEndpoints*(rules : seq[LimitRule]) {.gcsafe.} =
## sets the data for api endpoints to be rate limited.
## makes sure that there are no multiple rules for a single regex endpoint
withLock ruleLock:
var sortedRules : seq[LimitRule]
for rule in rules:
var duplicate : bool
for sortrule in sortedRules:
if sortrule.pattern == rule.pattern:
duplicate = true
if not duplicate:
clownLimiterDataDoNotTouch = sortedRules
proc addLimiterEndpoints*(rule : LimitRule) {.gcsafe.} =
## adds rule for api endpoints to be rate limited.
## makes sure that there are no multiple rules for a single regex endpoint
withLock ruleLock:
var insertPos : int = -1
for pos in 0..<clownLimiterDataDoNotTouch.len():
if clownLimiterDataDoNotTouch[pos].pattern == rule.pattern:
insertPos = pos
if insertPos >= 0:
clownLimiterDataDoNotTouch[insertPos] = rule
proc callBack(req : Request) {.async, gcsafe.} =
var rules : seq[LimitRule]
withLock ruleLock:
rules = clownLimiterDataDoNotTouch
checkRate : bool = false
rate, freq : int
endpoint : string
httpcode : HttpCode
let url = req.url.path
for rule in rules:
if contains(url, rule.pattern):
checkRate = true
rate = rule.rate
freq = rule.freq
endpoint = rule.pattern.pattern
block limitValidation:
if checkRate:
ip = req.client.getPeerAddr()[0]
rateinfo = rateStatus(endpoint, ip, rate, freq)
case rateinfo.status
of Exceeded:
await req.respond(Http429, "Too many requests")
httpcode = Http429
break limitValidation
of NotExceeded:
recordReqRate(endpoint, ip, rateinfo.calls)
of Expired:
resetReqRate(endpoint, ip)
await req.respond(Http200, "Hello boss", newHttpHeaders(
("X-RateLimit-Limit", fmt"{rate}/{freq}s"),
("X-RateLimit-Remaining", $(rate - rateinfo.calls)),
("X-RateLimit-Reset", $rateinfo.resetime)
httpcode = Http200
await req.respond(Http400, "Not Found")
echo fmt"{req.reqMethod} :: {req.url.path} :: {httpcode}"
except Exception as e:
echo e.getStackTrace()
await req.respond(Http500, "Server Error")
proc server*(ip : string, port : int) {.async.} =
## run http server
echo fmt"Http server listening on {ip}:{port}"
addLimiterEndpoints(@[("^/$", 50, 60), ("([/]|[A-z])+(.json)$", 50, 60)])
let server = newAsyncHttpServer()
addExitProc(() {.closure.} => (
echo "Stopping http server...";
await server.serve(Port(port), callBack, ip)
asyncCheck server("", 5000)