- The Course is separated into different modules:
Here are my tasks and solutions at Learn from the masters Java course.
- Solutions from the first part can be found here.
- Solutions from the second part can be found here.
- Phone Book project can be found here.
- Final project(Paw Inc Project) for the module Java can be found here.
Here are my tasks and solutions at Learn from the masters DB & ORM course
Projects are in separate modules here.
- Pet System (DB, ORM, WEB) using Cuba-Platform can be found here here.
- Final project(Pizza Delivery) for the CUBA-Platform module can be found here.
- Exercise: ** Annotation usage exercise - using template class tasks.AnnotationUsageExercise *** print to stdout all annotated class members
- Exercise: ** Library Web App - port Library exercise to a Web application, reusing existing code-base *** add 2 Filters **** populate Library & assign to request **** populate Books to library inventory **** map filters in a particular order, only before all URLs starting with "person"
Homework: ** Review Executors util, interface surface ** Library Web App - port Library exercise to a Web application, reusing existing code-base *** Create a class (purpose of application memory storage) with static class members: **** data lists, getters, setters **** initialize them with sample data *** Create servlets & JSPs for: **** listing summary (HTML table-like) ***** library details ***** inventory items ***** persons **** listing all details of one particular data item per id (id would be in-memory index of data item in list)
**** Bonus: create a JSP, with HTTP form (post method), for adding a new data item
Exercise: ** Build & deploy web app using tomcat maven plugin, in debug mode *** stop breakpoint at init, doGet and destroy methods *** find out how many instances of HelloWorldServlet, and life cycle
- Homework: ** Review Executors util, interface surface ** Locate latest Java Servlet specification, Java community process website (jcp.org, Java EE platform) *** review specification PDF ** Deploy web app using Tomcat manager (web interface) *** maven clean & package project *** use packaged .war, upload and deploy using web manager
Homework: wrap-up exercises
Exercise: ** FixedThreadPoolExecutor exercise *** instantiate a fixed thread pool executor of size 3 *** submit 10 Callable instances, returning an object instance *** collect the result of all submitted callables *** shut down the executor service *** exit the program
** Proxy exercise *** intercept all setters of String values *** then modifwy the value to upper-case *** set the modified value *** print proxied instance fields to stdout
Homework: ** Reflection generic instantiation - Setters *** instantiate a class in a generic way *** invoke all setters, assigning default values, supporting at least 3 data types
Exercise: ** Reflection generic instantiation - Constructors *** create a sample class, with a few overloaded constructors *** instantiate that class, by each of the overloaded constructors, using reflection
Homework: ** Resetable enumeration exercise - complete tasks.ResetableEnumerationExercise ** ProvincesEnum implementation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_Bulgaria) *** 3 enum values *** additional meta information per value **** label **** population **** municipalities
**** Bonus: planning region
Exercise: ** Library exercise - Magazine & Newspaper - implement concept of sequential issues - do homework *** add issue number to each entity (Integer) ** Enumeration-collection bridge exercise *** create a collection, transform it to enumeration *** transform enumeration to collection *** loop over an enumeration, then print to stdout ** Library exercise - implement static Utils generic generate method *** supporting any extending AbstractItem - Book, Magazine, Newspaper *** class supplied as parameter *** a new instance returned
Homework: ** Library exercise - Magazine & Newspaper - implement concept of sequential issues *** add issue number to each entity (Integer) *** add an interface, design and implement publishing pattern support (each day of week, once a month, etc) ** Custom comparator exercise - SubscriptionRenewal null support *** test with null Person's SubscriptionRenewal property *** patch if needed
Exercise: ** Custom comparator exercise *** Handle local changes; merge master branch to local one *** Instantiate 3 Persons, each pearson with 3 SubscriptionRenewals with unique dateTimeOfPayment *** Implement an utility class, that provides static method **** accepts collection of Persons **** uses custom Comparator **** returns a new list of sorted Persons, based on latest to earliest dateTimeOfPayment
- Complete Library management software v0.1 domain model
- Implement Application class with main(), instantiate objects for POC (proof-of-concept)
Exercise: ** Complete innerexercise homework ** Library management software v0.1 *** tasks.libraryexercise_v0_1 package; model subpackage *** create domain model, purposed for: **** library organization itself ***** name ***** employees ***** clients ***** items inventory **** roles (enum Role) ***** clients ***** employees **** keeping personal records of all people **** inventory of ***** books ***** magazines ***** newspapers **** each inventory item includes ***** ISBN (String) ***** name ***** unique id (identifier, Long) **** keeping history of items rented per person **** monthly subscription ***** 30 days, starting right away from date of payment
Homework: ** package task.innerexercise - define and instantiate one instance per each listed bellow; narrow scope of visibility outside outer context (minimum visibility using access modifiers) *** Inner class (non-static) *** Static nested **** class **** interface **** enum *** Local class *** Anonymous class (using a functional interface)
Exercise: ** CompositionAndInheritanceExercise *** implement Human class *** apply methods supported from main() method
Homework: ** Votes v0.6 - package tasks.votes_v0_6_exercise *** Complete data population regarding requirements *** Implement PersonService, then refactor current Person instantiation *** Elaborate Poll with anonymous setting (true/false)
** Bonus: create data model for *** AnswerGiven per Poll per Question (Person mapping optional (based on anon instance setting above))
Exercise: ** Votes v0.5 - populate data (tasks.Votes05DataPopulationExercise.java): *** Poll: Coffee poll **** Question1: Do you like coffee? **** Answers: ***** Yes ***** No **** Question2: How do you enjoy your coffee? ***** Milk ***** Sugar ***** Milk & sugar ***** Black ***** None of the above **** Question3: How many coffees do you have a day? ***** Less or equal of 2 ***** More than 2 but less than 5 ***** More or equal of 5 ***** None **** Persons participating: 2
Homework: ** Votes v0.4 - introduce OOP concepts *** subpackage, data model *** entry point class, with main method *** etc.
Future age calculator application v0.2 ** create tasks.calculatorexercise sub-package ** Calculator class implementation ** Calculator accepts parameters of: ** Person objects (age field) ** years to add to age of each person ** Program flow: ** When starting the program, populate 10 Person objects ** Instantiate Calculator ** Execute additions, and print to standard output ** Then exit ** Distribute to end user (push to github)
Random person names generator ** configure charset (symbols allowed) ** configure min/max length per word ** random generator component implementation should be dedicated to be reused ** when producing a name - first letter always upper case, other letters lower case ** words joined using a space ** sample runner, for POC purposes
** Bonus: names count
Exercise: ** find & review java.util.stream.Stream class, Java class library ** find in functional package BiFunction - 2 input and 1 output parameters of the same type ** implement StandardUtilSampleExercise TODOs: *** StandardUtilsSample, capitalizeFirstLettersThenConcat method *** LambdaUtilsSample, capitalizeFirstLettersThenConcat function
Homework: ** StaticNonstaticMethodsExercise - use static and non-static methods *** create a task unique package (subpackage of com.musala.javacourse181112.tasks, think about naming) *** add a Person class (entity) *** add a class PersonService, implementing: **** static method ***** name printPersonNamesToStdout ***** use appropriate access modifier (scope of visibility) ***** print arguments to stdout, using space discriminator then new line **** non-static methods ***** addPerson, accepting and storing Person object to queue ***** handlePerson, polling one from queue then printing it to stdout (hint: method composition), then returning the person polled ***** think of multi-threading, always in mind *** add StaticNonstaticMethodsExercise class, and implement main method: **** instantiate 10 Person instances (loop) and add to collection **** instantiate 2 PersonService objects **** call service static and non-static methods, using populated persons **** use service static method and print directly a new person instance with assigned properties
*** Bonus: implement non-static finalize method, reseting the PersonService instances state at the end of usage
Exercise: ** create a concept of a validatable entity & validator ** if non-valid - throw a custom checked ValidationException
** implement EGN validator ** implement custom EGN validation exception ** apply validator, using a sample EGN to test
Exercise: ** PopulatePersonClassGenericAlgorithmExample - deserialize & populate a generic instance from file
Homework: ** PopulatePersonClassGenericAlgorithmExample - add generic serialization *** instantiate a Person object, then pass as parameter of a generic method (supporting Entities) *** loop over fields **** filter non-null values **** then write each field name=required1 format to file
*** Bonus 1: handle case of deserialization when whitespaces only present after = *** Bonus 2: add support to parseValueFromString() of additional class types
- GenericsTriDimensionalMatrixExercise - show-case of multi-dimensional array; define tri-dimensional List of Integers
- Recursion - populate a n-level dimensional List of int recursively
Wildcard bridge ** create a List of unknowns ** pass argument to bridge method ** implement workaround so we could add an object to List ** should be able to compile then run, and print to stdout
Create and populate a generic Set, that supports addition of at least Integer, Long, Short, Double
Read Java Oracle docs regarding Generics (by email)
Exercise: ** Map exercise - populate and traverse over Map: *** keys *** values *** entries ** Utils exercise *** populate an ordinal List of 10 integers *** shuffle list *** sort list *** reverse order *** populate a second List *** add same element 100 times to second List *** concatenate both lists, in order to print to stdout
Homework: ** Threads, serializing/deserializing data and put/take to queue *** first, populate a queue with 10 lists of integers 0-20 *** create a specific directory on FS (file system), dedicated to store serialized data *** then spawn two threads **** consumer thread, while not interrupted: ***** takes a list from queue ***** for each list, serializes to one file **** producer thread, while not interrupted: ***** watches the directory for a new file ***** reads file, deserializes file data, removes file ***** puts to queue
*** Bonus: program parameter - cycles count (per cycle of take-then-put back to queue) **** proof could be file naming convention (cycle count number)
** Read Oracle Java docs regarding Collections
Exercise: ** Oracle Java Docs, Language Basics, questions & exercises (control_flow_statements_exercise.md) ** Deduplication Exercise *** populate a List of values, some of which duplicated *** deduplicate (result of unique values only, equals() & hashCode()) **** 2 implementations - with and without Lambda ** BlockingQueue drainTo Exercise *** instantiate a blocking queue (LinkedBlockingQueue, ArrayBlockingQueue) *** populate with 10 elements *** instantiate a collection, then transfer 5 queue elements to that collection
Homework: ** PriorityBlockingQueue Producer-Consumer Exercise *** two producer threads, subclassing class Thread (random int between [1, 100000]) *** two consumer thread, subclassing class Thread *** threads populate and consume, each while(true) with Thread.sleep of 2 seconds *** application executes until explicitly stopped
Homework: ** Singleton implementation of Application class ** spawning two threads, sharing a map instance *** Long key - current system millis *** String message *** when adding entries, do runtime type check of elements explicitly ** producer thread populating unlimited values on each 3 seconds ** consumer thread *** reads 10 map entries *** prints them on stdout *** interrupts producer thread ** main thread exits with 0
** review all new example implementations
Homework: ** Populate an instance per general-purpose collection implementations *** Set (HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet) *** List (ArrayList, LinkedList) *** Queue *** Deque (ArrayDeque, LinkedList) ** Populate a Map ** Loop a collection/map and modify (remove an element/entry while looping) ** Apply add/put remove contains size isEmpty etc.
** Piped I/O example spawning threads (for reference, PipedInputOutputStreamExample) *** writing thread running 5 exact times, then closing the stream *** reading thread looping while data available
** Bonus: implement TriConsumer (for reference, java.util.function.BiConsumer)
Important: tomorrow (04.12.) will do exercises only - remotely
Homework: ** Lambda exercise *** implement String to StringBuilder function *** implement String predicate - if string is length of 10 ** File exercise (29.11) - complete if not yet completed ** DataObjectStreamExercise (29.11) - complete if not yet completed ** Primitives and Wrappers exercise *** define and initialize all supported types of primitives and their respective wrappers *** loop and print array to stdout *** stream the array (Arrays util) *** using instanceof, filter by boolean *** collect to list
Recommended for weekend exercises: ** PushbackReader exercise *** use buffer of 128 length *** print to stdout *** if last buffer char read is [a-p] - unread 3 chars, in order to print them again
** Bonus: subclass FilterInputStream *** count all read operations (each time read() is being called from outside) *** add a counter class field *** implement getCount() method
** WatchServiceExample questions ? ** FileVisitorWalkTreeExample questions ?
Exercises: ** File exercise *** creation **** create a file using a non-existing path **** show if file exists **** create as directory **** create two new files into that directory *** delete on exit **** create a new file **** mark for deletion on exit **** list parent directory, containing this filename (to prove existence in runtime) **** exit program, then check manually if file exists
Homework: ** DataObjectStreamExercise *** implement a serializable class Company *** write diverse multiple primitives, persons and companies to file *** read them back from file *** collect them to data structure (array of objects or collection) *** loop data structure then print to stdout ** Code review of WatchServiceExample ** Code review of FileVisitorWalkTreeExample
Important: tomorrow (27.11.) will do exercises only - on-side or remotely
Please send email to [email protected] (will create a mailing list) ** [email protected] mailing list available
InputStream exercise v0.2 ** after reading the file, do store file content to tasks_copy.md (to a new file, using FileOutputStream)
Reader exercise ** read characters from tasks.md, using FileReader ** write to stdout, optimize (take a look at parameters available for System.out.print(), placing pointer at () then Ctrl+P)
Homework: ** Write exercise - using Writer, write/append *** read from program parameters *** write each parameter to a new line *** write to a file
** FileOutputStream exercise *** using FileOutputStream, bridge to Writer then write some content *** content encoding - Windows-1251 *** add buffering (Buffered*)
** PushbackReader exercise *** use buffer of 128 length *** print to stdout *** if last buffer char read is [a-p] - unread 3 chars, in order to print them again
** Bonus: subclass FilterInputStream *** count all read operations (each time read() is being called from outside) *** add a counter class field *** implement getCount() method
Loops exercise elaboration ** add lambda stream.forEach implementation (Arrays.stream) ** add looping and modifying a collection of strings (using iterator) *** remove if: element length % 2 == 0
InputStream exercise ** implement inputStream.read(buffer, offset, length)
Future age calculator v0.2 ** implement multiple program arguments support (unlimited number) ** assume and rely on user input (int values) ** sum all of the parameters, then print to stdout (use while or do-while) *** bonus: do input validation - natural numbers only; exit(1) if otherwise
Loops exercise - for each loop type (while; do-while; for; foreach) ** automatically (using loop), initialize an array with values ** print the array to stdout
Votes v0.3 application
- refactor, using loops
Create a Chromosomes application that: ** based on human gender, prints chromosomes (male: yx/xy; female: xx) ** use switch-based check ** parameters supplied by user ** prints chromosomes to stdout (letter by letter)
port the code to use Gender enum instead of any string required1
Votes v0.2 application
- introduce enum usage (vote answer yes/no)
- implement votes counting then printing to stdout
- introduce person multi-dimensional array (Object), then populate: ** first element of each inner person array - EGN ** second element - name ** third - Vote (enum)
Future age calculator application
- Program parameters, supplied by user (dynamic):
- person age in years
- years to add to age
- Program flow:
- When starting the program, print the two numbers
- Then add numbers, and print to standard output
- Then exit
- Distribute to end user (push to github)
- Program parameters, supplied by user (dynamic):
Votes v0.1 application (all data hardcoded)
- Yes/No poll
- 30 voters per question
- 2 questions
Flow - once per each question
- print welcome message, stating the poll question
- hardcode 3 person votes (voted yes/no)
- assign votes to array
- TODO: design method for future votes counter implementation (method with empty body)
Hint: multi-dimensional array usage
Distribute to end user (push to github)
Sample data:
- Question 1: Is it snowing today? Yes/No
- Question 2: Do you want rather to be snowing today? Yes/No
- 3 votes per each question