To work with the autoloader, for now all class names MUST be lowercase.
If a plugin adds chat commands you MAY add those to the list of available commands via the registerCommand function.
- Bytebot
- sys
- re
- inspect
- json
- resource
- ssl (for debian-based systems: this comes with python-openssl package, not as python-module)
- twisted
- urllib
- time
- autotopic
- urllib
- json
- re
- dates
- icalendar
- datetime
- pytz
- urllib
- messagelogger
- time
- rss (which also does atom)
- feedparser
- shorturl
- beautifulsoup4
- urllib2
- json
- re
- spacestatus
- urllib
- json
See CONTRIBUTING for further information on seting things up and the general coding style.