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Python test and run environment

Buys de Barbanson edited this page Sep 5, 2020 · 19 revisions
# Define a name for your environment here (between quotes)

# Load python 3.6 executable from which to construct our own environment
# this line is only applicable for people using the UMC Utrecht HPC:
# Uncomment if you are:
# module load python/3.6.1

# Construct the environment:
virtualenv -p `which python3` $env_name 
# this line is only applicable for people using the UMC Utrecht HPC:
# Uncomment the next line if you are:
# module unload python/3.6.1

# Activate the environment:
source ./$env_name/bin/activate

# Get a new version of pip and setuptools for installation
pip install pip setuptools --upgrade

# Clone the package:
git clone
cd SingleCellMultiOmics
# perform update if needed:
git fetch
git pull 

# Install the package
pip install .

# Run tests, these should all pass! 
python test