Download and install or newer Python 3.7 (only tested on 3.7)
Install requirements
pip install poetry
poetry install
poetry run python
- Download and launch the
from here
You can rename your SC2 replays
Para Site LE (61).SC2Replay
to a more readable format
1v1 2018-12-12 19-58-10 BuRny(T) 5137 vs 5641 (P)llllllllllll - 9 mins on Para Site LE.SC2Replay
via variables. This example used the following renaming pattern:
$gametype $year-$month-$day $hour-$min-$sec $t1names($t1races) $t1mmr vs $t2mmr ($t2races)$t2names - $durationmins mins on $mapname
A setting exists that automatically figures out which team won the game and puts that team as team 1 (first listed team).
You can filter by
- Game type
- Matchmaking
- Custom games
- Games with AI
- Games that end in a draw
- Games that were resumed from replay
- SC2 Expansions
- WoL
- HotS
- LotV
- Player Names
- Replays that have certain players in them
- Replays that do not have certain players in them
- Matchup (same as above)
- Game Version
- Game Length
- Amount of Players
- Average MMR of all players
- Maps
After copying / moving / renaming the replays, you can let this tool automatically zip all the copied / moved / renamed replays to
Variable | Example output |
$expansion | LotV |
$gametype | 1v1 or 2v2 or FFA |
$playersamount | 4 |
$mapname | Para Site LE |
$durationmins | 9 |
$durationsecs | 23 |
$durationtotalsecs | 563 |
$version | 4.8.0 |
$region | eu |
$avgmmr | 3456 |
$year | 2019 |
$month | 01 |
$day | 26 |
$hour | 18 |
$minute or $min | 56 |
$second or $sec | 55 |
$p1name | BuRny |
$p1mmr | 3456 (0 if it wasn't a ladder game) |
$p1race | Terran |
$p1r | T |
$p2name | NotBuRny |
$p2mmr | 6543 (0 if it wasn't a ladder game) |
$p2race | Zerg |
$p2r | Z |
$t1names | BuRny NotBuRny |
$t1mmr | 5000 (0 if it wasn't a ladder game) |
$t1races | TZ |
$t2names | BuRnyProtoss NotBurnyRandom |
$t2mmr | 5001 (0 if it wasn't a ladder game) |
$t2races | PZ |
If any filter field with text input is empty, the filter will be ignored.
Element | Example Input | Description |
Rename Pattern | See above | |
Replays Folder | C:/Users/Burny/Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts |
The given replay folder (and its subfolders) will be parsed for replays |
Target Folder | C:/MyReplays |
The target folder where replays will be copied / moved to |
Replay File Operation | Copy/Move/Rename | If Rename was selected, the Replays Folder will be used. If Copy or Move was selected, replays will be copied/moved and in the Target Folder renamed |
Winner is player 1 / team 1 | If True , the winning team / player will be stored in $p1name and $t1names variables, the loser in $p2name and $t2names |
Enable Filter | If False , all the filters below will be ignored and replays will just be renamed (and copied / moved) |
Exclude Matchmaking | Excludes replays that were played where a queue system was used | |
Exclude Custom Games | Exclude replays that were used by hosting games via custom game / arcade | |
Exclude Games With AI | Exclude replays that have any AI in it | |
Exclude Draws | Exclude replays that ended in a draw | |
Exclude Resumed from Replay | Exclude games that were resumed from replay | |
Expansions | WoL / HotS / LotV | Replays that are not part of the selected expansion will be excluded |
Match Names | BuRny, FakeBuRny (not case sensitive) |
If none of these names is found in the replay, the replay will be excluded |
Exclude Names | Serral, Maru (not case sensitive) |
If any of these names is found in the replay, the replay will be excluded |
Game Version | 4.5.0 and 4.8.0 |
The given versions mark the minimum and maximum values. This example on the left would only allow replays to be copied/moved/renamed that are between version 4.5.0 and 4.8.0 |
Game Length | 3 and 90 |
The given game lengths mark the minimum and maximum game duration in minutes. The example on the left would only allow replays between 3 and 90 minutes |
Players Amount | 2 and 4 |
In this example, only replays between 2 and 4 players are allowed to be copied/moved/renamed |
Average MMR | 3000 and 5000 |
Only replays where the average player mmr is between 3000 and 5000 is allowed to be parsed. This only works with matchmaking games. If the replay does not come from a matchmaking game, this filter will allow the replay to be parsed. |
Include Matchups | TvX, pvp (not case sensitive) |
Here, all TvX and XvT matchups and the PvP matchup are allowed to be parsed. ZvZ, ZvP will be ignored. |
Exclude Matchups | TvZ |
If TvZ is entered here and TvX in Include Matchups , then only TvP and TvT matchups will be parsed |
Exclude Maps | acid plant, para site (not case sensitive) |
Map names listed here will try to be partially matched with real map names. So writing para or acid would be enough to exclude all maps that have acid or para in their name |
Show Errors | Critical errors will be shown regardless, unless it causes the program to crash. Enabling this will just show non-critical errors | |
Zip Replays after Renaming | After replays were copied/moved/renamed, all the replays that were parsed will be included in a file. The zip will will be located in the Target Folder |
Rename Replays | After hitting this button, all the replays will in the Replays Folder folder and subfolders will be looked at, filtered, and then copied/moved and finally renamed. After that, they may be zipped if the Zip Replays after Renaming option is on |