Free Mentors is a social initiative where accomplished professionals become role models to young people to provide free mentorship sessions.
Method | Endpoint | Description |
POST | /auth/signup |
User create an account |
POST | /auth/login |
User login to their account |
PATCH | /user/<:mentor-id> |
Admin make a user a mentor |
GET | /mentors |
Get all mentors |
GET | /mentors/<:mentor-id> |
User get a specific mentor |
POST | /sessions |
A User can request a session |
PATCH | /sessions/<:user-id>/accept |
Mentor can accept a session |
PATCH | /sessions/<:user-id>/decline |
Mentor can decline a session |
GET | /sessions |
User or Mentor get all sessions |
- Language: Javascript
- Server environment: Node.js
- Back-end framework: Express
- Testing library: Mocha.js
- Assertion library: Chai
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Make sure you already have Node.js installed in your system..
Clone this repository by running the following on your terminal
git clone
After cloning this repository to your local machine,cd into the package folder using your terminal and run the following:
> npm install
It will install the node_modules which will help you run the project on your local machine.
Create a .env file to store environment variables e.g
PORT=5000 JWT_KEY=imAsecret
npm start
this will start your application and run on port 5000
npm test
BurnerB/FreeMentors-V2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
MIT © Barnaby Kamau