Task A
- Derive a DH representation of forward kinematics for the Lynxmotion arm2 . Use MATLAB, lecture material and further reading. Include all your investigations and report this.
- Analyse the workspace of the robot’s end-effector when each preceding joints move through their range of motion and plot all 2D and 3D views of the workspace.
- Derive the inverse kinematics model for the manipulator (analytical solution).
Task B
- Plan a task3 and test your forward kinematics model in MATLAB for at least 5 positions, plot the robot and show your investigations. This process should give you at least 5 sets of Cartesian coordinates specifying the end-effector position and orientation in 3D space.
- Solve the Inverse Kinematics for these positions in 3D space and obtain sets of Joint Coordinates. Create an appropriate plot/animation in MATLAB for the motion of the robot.
- Implement 3 different trajectories between the Cartesian Points identified above and create an appropriate plot to demonstrate them: a. Implement a free motion between the points b. Implement a straight line trajectory between the points c. Set an obstacle between any two points (e.g. a cylinder between point 3 and 4) and implement an object avoidance trajectory. Task C Use screw theory to claculate the Inverse Kinematics of the arm again