This modules provides integration wuth Harbourmaster Newsletter service.
After module is enabled following things has to be configured:
- In administration page:
, "Client ID" has to be set. Also displayed agreements should be checked are they in compliance to site. By default following agreements will be set:datenschutzeinwilligung|anspracheerlaubnis
- and if something different is required for site, then it should be filled accordingly. - After that Newsletter block should be added to wanted page. That can be done on `` page with proper configuration of block.
- When block is placed it has to be configured and one of important configurations is "Newsletters" text. It has to be in following format:
<Client ID>_<Group ID>|<Text displayed next to checkbox>
for example:
100001_10|Weekly newsletter with latest published articles
100001_11|Monthly newsletter with most read articles
- After that newsletter form should functioning properly.