this plugin is used to join every possible two-word combinations (pairs) in a document.
the plugin exports a token filter called wordjoin_stemmer
basically this filter stems every token from the stream and joins the original word and the stemmed one with every subsequent word in the document. this is useful in e-commerce websites where documents are small and a user might search with two words joined as a single word.
Stemming happens on two steps
- the first is using stanfordnlp/CoreNLP Stemmer class with small modifications.
- the second step is applying custom stemming rules in the CustomStemmer class.
to use the plugin please follow these steps:
- clone the repo on your local machine
- make sure you have maven installed on the machine
mvn -Dtest=EsAnalysisTests test
. this will run tests to make sure everything is ok. you should always run tests if you change anything in the pluginmvn package
. this will package the project and output a zip file under target/releases folder in the project directorysudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///home/ubuntu/
install the plugin in elasticsearch usingelasticsearch-plugin
executable installed with elasticsearch. the path of this will vary depending on the way you installed elasic on the machine.- if the plugin is already installed you will need to remove it first.