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Building Energy Tools Website

CI Deploy

This project was generated with the Angular CLI. For more information on developing with Angular see the README in the doc folder. The purpose of this README is to document the basic workflows of getting started.

Basic Workflow

The most basic workflow to edit content is to leverage GitHub's website to create new branches, edit files, commit changes, and create pull requests. The branch structure of this repository is as follows:

  • main - this is the branch that will be automatically deployed to the gh-pages and subsequently to
  • develop - the most recent changes and from where all updates should branch. Will be deployed to
  • gh-pages - built and deployed website
  • pnnl - branch to stage PNNL updates
  • lbnl - branch to stage LBNL updates
  • nrel - branch to stage NREL updates

** TODO: This needs to be updated, the deployment to these staging branches isn't working as expected. For now deploy to develop and the normal staging branch for testing **

The staging branches should be the jumping off point for each user in the respective labs; however, ensure that the staging branch is up-to-date with develop before starting. This is easily done by creating a new pull request in GitHub and having the base branch be the national lab. Click on the links below to be directed to this for you:

There are 3 staging sites (one for each laboratory). The respective lab branches will automatically be built and deployed upon pushing to this lab's branch to this repository (pnnl, lbnl, nrel). The sites are located here:

Advanced Workflow

The more advanced workflow requires the installation and running of a local development server. Running the website locally is recommended for larger or structural changes. You will need to install Node and the node package manager (npm) to run the server. First install nvm or nvm for Windows, and then install Node v16.10 or later:

nvm install 16.18.0
nvm use 16.18.0
  • Mac OSX: brew install npm
  • Linux: apt install npm
  • Windows: N/A (npm is bundled with Node)

After npm is installed, go into the root directory from a clone of this repository and run the following (note that you may need to run npm install -g @angular/cli to have the Angular CLI ng be in the user's path).

npm install
ng serve

Navigate to the URL that is printed to the screen, typically http://localhost:4200/.

To manually sync the website with the S3 bucket, configure permissions for using aws cli and run.

ng build
aws s3 sync dist s3://nrel-btodatatools-web-prod-bucket

Subdomain management

There are three subdomains on GitHub that are used to view the website before pushing to develop and main.