Based upon a premise of orders and queue actions.
The current target of our projects is to model a coop based game, top down in
Completely related to the movement of the camera, it returns nothing else than its own behavior.
Any relevant changes can be made in the inspector since the variables are public.
Its independent of anything else
- Player input manager (Take input information)
- Center camera on input (F1 by default)
- ~~Lock camera on input (Y by default)
- Check last relevant event on input (Space by default)
- Roll warcraft 3 style on zoom
Smooth zoom- Rotate camera
Manages orders based upon the behavior of the character. Its independent of the INPUT.
Therefore an AI might use it
Modularizer that contains most of information to orders It also distributes with a switch the order types.
Also holds as a constructor.
Checks if an order is complete by using a bool parameter
input master
Needs to be looked at, its awful
WIP - Just checks if it still exists.
It looks upon the posibilities of an item, being a valuable the only one who can be picked up and hold in the inventory.
Checks upon target type to see what variables apply to the order. For example if the player has the Type "ENEMY" smart order will likely mean attack.