Broken Engine v0.5
CHANGELOG v0.5.5.1
General Notes
All FBX should be exported from other programs (as 3Ds Max) in meters
When putting a scene, make its objects static!!! It will improve performance! You can put an object to static and it will ask if all child objects have to be static too.
If old scenes don't work, make sure you reload all! (You might have to delete all the .meta files created in the Assets folder and delete fully the Library folder, too)
Is your engine now :)
General Fixes
- Editor Camera can be moved on Engine's Play State now
- Horizontal & Vertical Billboarding Implemented
- Save & Load fix
- Offset Bug fix (when emitter was far from origin)
User Interface
- Fixed bug with Progress Bars growing from center (they now grow from left to right)
CHANGELOG v0.5.5.0
General Notes
All FBX should be exported from other programs (as 3Ds Max) in meters
When putting a scene, make its objects static!!! It will improve performance! You can put an object to static and it will ask if all child objects have to be static too.
If old scenes don't work, make sure you reload all! (You might have to delete all the .meta files created in the Assets folder and delete fully the Library folder, too)
Is your engine now :)
- SetColor() scripting particles function fixed (now yes, not in the previous build!)
- Fixed Update Transform (now yes, not in the previous build!)
- More Particles Scripting Functions Added (mostly on rotations, check the documentation)
- Curves Editor For particles smoothing implemented
- Interactive Music Support Implementation
- Lerp functions implemented for float, float2 and float3 values
- Inverse Lerp function implemented for float values (you pass pos1, pos2, pos3 and returns time)
- Color Tint & Exposure modification for skybox
CHANGELOG v0.5.4.3
General Notes
All FBX should be exported from other programs (as 3Ds Max) in meters
When putting a scene, make its objects static!!! It will improve performance! You can put an object to static and it will ask if all child objects have to be static too.
If old scenes don't work, make sure you reload all! (You might have to delete all the .meta files created in the Assets folder and delete fully the Library folder, too)
Is your engine now :)
General Fixes
- Fixed Flicker on Editor Camera when modifying materials
- Prefabs: Now saving static & active bools (fixed issue related to) and a minor correction on save/load
User Interface
- Fixed Canvas movement
- Fixed Canvas issue which make UI Elements not to work if they were not a Canvas component instead of an object inside another Canvas object
- SetColor() script particles function fixed
- Fixed Update transform on particles
CHANGELOG v0.5.4.2
General Notes
All FBX should be exported from other programs (as 3Ds Max) in meters
When putting a scene, make its objects static!!! It will improve performance! You can put an object to static and it will ask if all child objects have to be static too.
If old scenes don't work, make sure you reload all! (You might have to delete all the .meta files created in the Assets folder and delete fully the Library folder, too)
Is your engine now :)
- Now we can load more than one soundbank
- Audio Minor Bugs Fixed
- Audio Changing between Scenes bug fixed (now it stops on scene load)
- SetVolume() Scripting Audio function fixed
- Minor Fail Safe corrections on Audio Scripting
- Fix on UI Coloring (it wasn't affected by Gamma Correction, which make UI be darker, now it's fixed :D)
- Fix on UI Priority
- Due to changes on Canvas & UI Priority, the UI Usage is changed: Now you must create a Canvas (which holds the priority) and this one has to have the UI Elements desired as components
General Notes
All FBX should be exported from other programs (as 3Ds Max) in meters
When putting a scene, make its objects static!!! It will improve performance! You can put an object to static and it will ask if all child objects have to be static too.
If old scenes don't work, make sure you reload all! (You might have to delete all the .meta files created in the Assets folder and delete fully the Library folder, too)
Is your engine now :)
General Fixes
- DeltaTime (dt) accumulating bug fixed
- Instantiate (Scripting) bug fixed
- Multiple-Selection Copy&Pasting of Transform Component fixed
- Multi-Selection Delete Copy bug fixed
- Deleting a GameObject on Scene bug fixed (crashed when selected GameObject)
- Reverted Gimbal Fix (due to a problem with designers making workarounds with that bugs... We will fix it later and a bit better, as designers asked to in terms of rotations in editor)
- Partial Transparencies Implemented & Working
- Alpha Blend Function selectable from Renderer Panel Window
- RigidBody Transformation Update corrected
- Rotation Over Time Implemented
- Editor Visual Change on Particle Emitter
- Particles Culling
- Blend Time Save bug fixed
- AABB now gets updated with the Deformable Mesh
- Audio Changing between Scenes bug fixed (now all audio stops when with the scene load)
User Interface
- UI Elements must be now inside a canvas to work
- UI Elements move with the canvas movement
- Fix on PreUpdate of ModuleGUI, which make nested UI Elements not to work (now they do! This was a problem when nesting UI Elements inside a canvas :D)
General Notes
All FBX should be exported from other programs (as 3Ds Max) in meters
When putting a scene, make its objects static!!! It will improve performance! You can put an object to static and it will ask if all child objects have to be static too.
If old scenes don't work, make sure you reload all! (You might have to delete all the .meta files created in the Assets folder and delete fully the Library folder, too)
Is your engine now :)
General Fixes
- Implemented new build mode for engine in order to make builds without Optick Profiler. This means that new engine ("official") builds, won't have Optick no more (to not to impact performance), however, there is still the 'Release' build mode (as always), to make builds with Optick just in case we need to measure performance in a engine build.
- The previous point should fix the issue/bug with deltatime (dt) not working properly (and therefore, the performance/framerate)
- Implemented Particles Sprite animations (use it wisely!)
- Implemented multiple particles gradients over time (with alpha values included)
- Fixed offset when scaling particles (an issue there was)
General Notes
All FBX should be exported from other programs (as 3Ds Max) in meters
When putting a scene, make its objects static!!! It will improve performance! You can put an object to static and it will ask if all child objects have to be static too.
If old scenes don't work, make sure you reload all! (You might have to delete all the .meta files created in the Assets folder and delete fully the Library folder, too)
Is your engine now :)
General Fixes
- SetRotation now works properly
- Fixed Gimbal Lock in inspector
- Button texture bug solved
General Fixes
- NavMesh Bug (on tiling) Fixed
- Uniforms Save/Load on Shaders fixed (now we can add water :D)
- Objects Naming by type
- Problem with timing (dt) fixed, now velocities should be re-adjusted, but dt works as it shoul
- (minor) Debug draw window now isn't closed at selection
- UI Images now can be colored
- Button bug getting a texture that it hadn't, fixed
General Notes
All FBX should be exported from other programs (as 3Ds Max) in meters
When putting a scene, make its objects static!!! It will improve performance! You can put an object to static and it will ask if all child objects have to be static too.
If old scenes don't work, make sure you reload all! (You might have to delete all the .meta files created in the Assets folder and delete fully the Library folder, too)
Is your engine now :)
- Editor variables can now be divided between 'hidden_' and normal ones. The hidden ones will not be shown in the Engine Editor
- Scripting variables in Editor are ordered alphabetically
- Functionality to drag a GameObject into a scripting number variable (in the Editor) to get its UUID
- Structural changes to audio scripting (avoiding crashes)
- Function to find a child GameObject
- UI now use a UI-specific shader (text is included in this, which was using a text-specific shader, it now uses this UI one)
General/Build Fixes
- Fixed issue when deleting objects on build (which fixes the bug when killing enemies on build)
- Quick fix on Character Controller breaking game builds
- Multithreading bug fix
General Changes
- Profiler (Optick) implemented to measure engine and build performance (the user won't be able to chose what to measure, but by now, all modules, GameObjects and rendering can be seen measured in the profiler)
- Profiler working with multithreading