Raspberry Pi based wether station
- New image of Raspian Lite with no applications or desktop
- Enable SSH
- Enable I2C
Node.JS and NPM https://www.instructables.com/Install-Nodejs-and-Npm-on-Raspberry-Pi/ sudo apt install build-essential git first to ensure npm is able to build any binary modules it needs to install
VEML6075 library https://github.com/pimoroni/veml6075-python
I2S mic https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-i2s-mems-microphone-breakout/raspberry-pi-wiring-test
pip install sounddevice==0.3.15
Pimoroni Enviro Libraries https://github.com/pimoroni/enviroplus-python
Node-Red https://nodered.org/docs/getting-started/local
- DHt22
- Node-Red-Dashboard
- node-red-node-pi-mcp3008
- node-red-contrib-python-function
- node-red-contrib-counter
- node-red-contrib-bme280
- node-red-contrib-msg-speed
- node-red-contrib-msg-speed