A Learning by Reading pipeline of NLP and Entity Linking tools.
KNEWS is a composite tool that bridges semantic parsing (using C&C tools and Boxer or Semafor), word sense disambiguation (using UKB or Babelfy) and entity linking (using Babelfy or DBpedia Spotlight) to produce a unified, LOD-compliant abstract representation of meaning.
KNEWS can produce several kinds of output:
- Frame instances, based on the FrameBase scheme:
<http://framebase.org/ns/fi-Operate_vehicle_0059a98c-3870-49ed-87e1-f882e11a49f7> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://framebase.org/ns/frame-Operate_vehicle-drive.v> .
<http://framebase.org/ns/fi-Operate_vehicle_0059a98c-3870-49ed-87e1-f882e11a49f7> <http://framebase.org/ns/fe-Driver> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Robot> .
<http://framebase.org/ns/fi-Operate_vehicle_0059a98c-3870-49ed-87e1-f882e11a49f7> <http://framebase.org/ns/fe-Vehicle> <http://wordnet-rdf.princeton.edu/wn31/02961779-n> .
- Word-aligned semantics, based on lexicalized Discourse Representation Graphs:
<frameinstance id="Operate_vehicle_9a3fa55e-4d97-406a-ab0d-cf681e277296" type="Operate_vehicle-drive.v" internalvariable="e1">
<framelexicalization>k3:x1 is driving k3:x2</framelexicalization>
<instancelexicalization>A robot is driving the car</instancelexicalization>
<frameelement role="Driver" internalvariable="x1">
<roleexicalization>A robot is driving x2</roleexicalization>
<frameelement role="Vehicle" internalvariable="x2">
<roleexicalization>x1 is driving the car</roleexicalization>
- First-order logic formulae with WordNet synsets and DBpedia ids as symbols:
A demo of KNEWS is now available at http://gingerbeard.alwaysdata.net/knews/.
After cloning the repository or otherwise downloaded the KNEWS source code, you must instals the prerequisite Python packages listed in the file requirements.txt. With pip, this is done with:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
KNEWS can work with either Semafor or C&C tools/Boxer to perform semantic parsing. By default Semafor is used, in order to switch to Boxer set semantics->module value to boxer
in the config/disambiguation.conf file.
To install Semafor run:
$ cd ext/
$ ./install_semafor.sh
It is expected that Semafor is run in server mode, server startup instructions can be found in Semafor documentation.
In order to run it locally, open the config/semanticparsing.conf file and switch the value for semafor->mode to local
Alternatively, C&C tools and Boxer can be used for the semantic parsing. The C&C source code is included in the KNEWS repository (revision v2614). A shell script is provided to automate the compilation and installation. To install the C&C tools locally run
$ cd ext/
$ ./install_candc.sh
By default the script expects to be run on unix/linux. In order to compile on other platforms
please modify the install_candc.sh
accordingly. For example, on macOS you should change:
ln -s Makefile.unix Makefile
to ln -s Makefile.macosx Makefile
Please note: you will need a working installation of swi-prolog v6.6.x in order to correctly compile Boxer.
To test that the installation has completed successfully run (from the candc/ directory):
$ bin/candc --version
$ candc v2614 (unix build on 19 April 2016, 11:35:31)
$ bin/boxer --version
$ boxer v2614 (unix build on 19 April 2016, 11:35:31)
To use the SOAP client/server version of the C&C tools, run the server first with the following command line (from the candc/ directory):
$ bin/soap_server --server localhost:8888 --models models/boxer/ --candc-printer boxer
$ waiting for connections on localhost:8888
Next, you must configure how to run the C&C tools. Open the file config/semanticparsing.conf and select a value for boxer->mode:
- online will access the [online API]. This is the easiest solution but is it unpractical if KNEWS is used to parse a large amount of text.
- local will use a local installation of the C&C tools (see below for instructions on how to get this running).
- soap will usa a local installation of the C&C tools with the SOAP-based client/server architecture, convenient for parsing many different files.
You must configure which module to use for word sense disambiguation and entity linking. Open the file config/disambiguation.conf and set a value for wsd->module:
- babelfy uses the Babelfy online API. Note: a valid API key is needed. You must request it and write it in the config/babelfy.var.properties file.
- ukb uses the UKB Word Sense Disambiguation system. A script is provided in the ext/ directory to download and install it.
- lesk uses the Enhanced Lesk WSD algorithm proposed by P. Basile et al. A script is provided in the ext/ directory to download and install it.
You can also configure an entity linking module in the *config/disambiguation.conf file:
- babelfy uses the Babelfy online API. Note: a valid API key is needed. You must request it and write it in the config/babelfy.var.properties file.
- spotlight uses the DBpedia Spotlight online API.
- none makes KNEWS skip the entity linking step altogether.
$ src/pipeline.py -i input.txt -o output.txt
$ src/pipeline.py -d input/ -o output.txt