2014: Johnathan Michaels Edited by Cameron Arsenault and Quin Emerling in 2021
To Run: Double click STTSolver.exe OR If you wish to make a new executable use pyinstaller -F STTSolver.py in a windows terminal (not bash/WSL)
Check the Gurl Help button for instructions. They are repeated below for convenience:
Valid Input Symbols:
NOT : ~
AND : &
OR : |
Possible literals are any capital letter. Separate premises with newline characters. Denote starting truth values using + for true and = for false. Put these at the start of each expression. Use the scrollwheel to see next steps that go beyond the box.
FILE IMPORT: Select a txt file to put in the entry box
GURL HELP: Finds this window (you already did it!)
START: Press start after inputing premises and conclusion to begin.
NEXT: Procedes to the next step.
AUTO-COMPLETE: Automatically displays all steps.
RESET: Sets the program to its default state, removing any current text. Do this especially when in the middle of a proof.
SAVE: Saves anything in the text box to a desired location as a txt file.