mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j
./Release/benchmark --input INPUT --output OUTPUT --ker KER --mode1 MODE1 --mode2 MODE2
- INPUT - input image (ppm only)
- OUTPUT - output image (ppm only)
- ker - integer window size
- mode1 - first mode to launch (Possible MODE values)
- mode2 - second mode to launch (Possible MODE values)
It will launch in MODE1 and then MODE2 to compare time.
Possible MODE values:
- cpu_conv - CPU convolution without optimisation.
- cpu_sep - CPU separable convolution.
- cpu_acc - CPU convolution with accumulation optimization.
- cuda_conv - CUDA convolution.
- cuda_sep - CUDA separable convolution
./Release/benchmark --input ../images/big.PPM --output res.png --ker 20 --mode1 cpu_conv --mode2 cuda_conv
Also ./Release/boxblur_cpu
and ./Release/boxblur_cuda
are compiled, you can use them to test particular modes.