This repository is for storing BombSquad game's new custom models, textures and scripts of
installing more new characters and maps, to make it easily manageable and accessible by the players
of BombSquad to get their favourite map and characters. This repository is inspired by the
Save and put this link
in your BombSquad's mods folder, and then reload your bombSquad game.
When you reload your BombSquad game after putting our
in your BombSquad's mod folder, it will install two files:
will add the button and icon of Accessories Manager Window
on the main
menu screen of the BombSquad game and when that button is clicked it will then call the AccManagerWindow
present in the
, this will be some similar to the BombSquad-Community-Mod-Manager
window, it will contain the list of every individual characters' and maps' name which you can install
in just a click.
This repository is based on the MIT license. You can find the license here. According to the MIT license, you can publicly, or personally use this project, modify it, redistribute it, or distribute the modified version, but you must mention the copyright owners of this repository and this repository's files when distributing the code to others, your modified version must also be open source with this same license and you can not make profit from that and there is no liability or warranty of this project.
For all none code related documentation please refer to the wiki pages
If you want to contribute to our BombSquad Official Accessories Manager, you are most heartily welcome to our contributors list, you may contribute by any means possible, like opening an issue, a pull request or suggesting ideas by chatting.