BlackScreens is a Windows 10/11 Application that let you darken any of your current screen with simple keyboard shortcut switch:
Alt+1 --> Alt+6 Alt+0 to switch all screens at once
It work by showing, for each screen, an App Window on top of all others (system), with selected opacity (1% to 100%). An option for mouse clicking through the black windows now exist.
Main use cases for multiple screens users:
- need to watch one screen without being disturb by the other(s) screen(s)
- being sure that no one else can see one or multiple screen(s), for example in a presentation or web conference
Just install the app with the Windows installer you can download here [Current version 1.13 - 31/07/2023]
- v1.13 (31/07/2023)
- Added App option hide on windows Icon Task bar on launch
- Move options xml file to AppData/Roaming
- v1.09 (15/01/2021)
- Added Windows 10/11 system scale parameter compatibility
- Let user use an different image for each of the 3 first screens for darkening, instead of full black color
- v1.08 (01/08/2020)
- Added mouse cursor disappeared on black screens after 3 sec., parameter in user preferences file. If on 0 (zero), mouse is no more disappearing
- v1.07 (27/07/2020)
- Adding ALT+0 key to switch all screens
- v1.06 (25/07/2020)
- Adding mouse clickthrough option
- v1.05 (21/07/2020)
- Adding screens positionning information on clipboard when left clicking on first screen name in the main parameters screen
This App has been tested already on Windows 10 and 11 lastest officials builds on August 2023, with 2 different screens.
BlackScreens works with DotNet 4.8. It has been built with Visual Studio 2022 Community edition.
It need testers in this cases:
- Older windows 10 builds (>1 year)
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- More than 2 screens
Thank you.
- Wpf-Notificon from Hardcodet
- WindowsDisplayAPI from Falahati
-the end-