Hello ! This repository is dedicated to the Solidity contracts for claim.it platform. In this repository you will find two sub directory one for a simplified ENS deployment and one for revamped claims standard (Claim Holder and Claim Registry).
Here is a small graph of the flow to add a claim:
participant Client Wallet
participant Identity
participant Claim Holder
participant Claim Registry
Client Wallet ->> Identity: call Data for proxy Tx
Identity->>Claim Holder: ERC735.call(addClaim)
Claim Holder-->> Claim Registry: ERC780.delegatecall(setClaim)
Note over Claim Holder: That is where it went <br/>south.
When designing our smart contracts architecture we took a few design assumption.
To us the Claim Registry would make sense if, like ENS, there would be a single contract to keep a registry of all claimed set on the network. Thanks to that accessing any claim data and making claim filters would be simpler.
By designing claims to have a given parent ID paired with an isValid parameter, it is possible to link claims between each other. We thought that to check if a claim is valid, it was needed for all the parent from the claim to the root claim to be valid. By default a claim is considered valid .