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ALTRepo Uploader

ALTRepo Uploader (a.k.a ALTRepoDB) is a set of tools that used to uploading data about ALT Linux distributions to Clickhouse database.

Database contents is used to maintain ALT Linux development and analytics with ALTRepo API.




ALTRepo Uploader requires Python version 3.7 or higher.

ALTRepo Uploader requires following packages installed for tools to be full functional.

Note: some package names are ALT Linux specific

System packages

  • xz
  • git
  • fuseiso
  • gostsum
  • squashfuse
  • cdrkit-utils
  • libvirt
  • qemu-img
  • qemu-kvm
  • libguestfs
  • guestfs-data
  • rabbitmq-c

Python packages

  • python3-module-rpm
  • python3-module-mmh3
  • python3-module-requests
  • python3-module-libarchive-c
  • python3-module-setproctitle
  • python3-module-beautifulsoup4
  • python3-module-clickhouse-driver

Database structure

ALTRepo Uploader uses Clickhouse as DBMS due to it's high performance and convenience for analytics.

Database structure initialization

Initial database structure is stored in sql/0000-initial.sql file and could be deployed at Clickhouse server with following command:

[user@host]$ cat sql/0000_initial.sql | clickhouse-client -h %SEREVR_IP_OR_DNS_NAME% -d %DATABASE_NAME% -n

Database contents initialization

Some additional initialization data included as well. For example license name aliases could be uploaded with:

[user@host]$ cat sql/license_aliases.json | clickhouse-client  -h %SEREVR_IP_OR_DNS_NAME% -d %DATABASE_NAME% --query="INSERT INTO LicenseAliases FORMAT JSONEachRow"

Database permissions

It is necessary to set proper permissions for database user that will be used by utilities for connection. At least it is neccessary to grant read and write permissions for all created tables and full permissions for temporary tables.

ALTRepo uploaderd service

ALTRepo Uploader provides an uploaderd system daemon that handles uploading data by receiving AMQP messages from RabbitMQ broker.

Uploaderd uses service instances with separate configuration to handle particular AMQP messages.

Configuration files

When installed through RPM package, systemd unit file ready to be enabled in regular way right after appropriate configuration files are added to /etc/uploaderd/config.json for uploaderd itself and /etc/uploaderd/services.d/%service_name%.json for each service instance that enabled.

Configuration templates could be found in /etc/uploaderd directory.

Each service configuration file consists of 3 sections:

  1. Service behaviour configuration
  2. Database connection configuration
  3. RabbitMQ connection configuration

Secure connection to RabbitMQ

While connecting with RabbitMQ using SSL(https) it is required to have certificate file on host and set path to it in configuration files accordingly.

The amqpfire utility

In order to provide tool to 'fire' some specific uploaderd service an amqpfire utility were added. The utility sends AMQP messages with appropriate payload using it's own configuration file.

List of supported services and options could be obtained running utility with -h argument.

[user@host]$ repodb_amqpfire -h
[user@host]$ repodb_amqpfire -c amqpfire_config.json -s repo -p p10 2022-06-22

Configuration example could be found in /usr/share/doc/altrepodb-%version%/ dicrectory.

ALTRepo Uploader utilities

Most of provided CLI tools has pretty common set of arguments. All of them have at least -h option that displays the usage message.

Configuration file

All CLI tools supports configuration provided by file with -c, --config option. Configuration file example is config.ini.example.

workers=10              # number of threads (if used by utility)

log_to_file=no          # controls logging to file
log_to_syslog=no        # controls logging to syslog
log_to_console=yes      # controls logging to console [stderr]
syslog_ident=altrepodb  # controls syslog identity

dbname=repodb           # database name
host=localhost          # Clickhouse server IP address
port=9000               # Clickhouse server port
user=default            # databse user name
password=               # database user password

Note: Only logging level could be managed by CLI options. Logging handlers are controlled only by configuration file.

Command line tools


The utility uploads content of branch's repository state from file system to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ repo_loader -h

Usage example:

[user@host]$ repo_loader sisyphus /archive/repo/sisyphus/date/2021/08/18 --date 2021-08-18 -c config.ini --tag test_load -v


The utility uploads content of building task state from file system to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ task_loader -h

Usage example:

[user@host]$ task_loader /archive/tasks/done/_276/283337 -c config.ini -f -D


The utility uploads content of ALT Linux distribution ISO image to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ iso_loader -h

Usage example:

[user@host]$ iso_loader alt-workstation-10.0-x86_64.iso --edition alt-workstation --version 10.0.0 --release release --platform "" --variant install --flavor "" --arch x86_64 --branch p10 --date 2022-04-04 --url -c config.ini --debug


The utility uploads content of ALT Linux distribution image in TAR, IMG, QCOW2 formats to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ image_loader -h

Usage example:

[user@host]$ image_loader alt-p10-opennebula-x86_64.qcow2 --branch p10 --edition cloud --version 10.0.0 --release release --platform "" --variant install --flavor opennebula --arch x86_64 --date 2022-02-10 --url "" --type qcow -c config.ini --debug


The utility uploads ALT Linux maintaners ACLs to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ acl_loader -h


The utility uploads Beehive packages build results to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ beehive_loader -h


The utility uploads Bugzilla issues to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ bugzilla -h


The utility uploads Repocop packages inspection to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ repocop_loader -h


The utility uploads package's versions updates from Watch to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ watch_loader -h


The utility uploads licenses information from SPDX Git repository to database. Check the usage message with command:

[user@host]$ spdx_loader -h

Code style

Now project uses black for code formatting and flake8 as a linter with configuration defined in setup.cfg file.


ALTRepo Uploader is under continuous development.

Functionality, database and code structure changes rapidly.

Check changelog and Git history for details.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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No packages published
