EconomyEnchant Shop For Pocketmine 5.0.0, With Many features
Commands | Default |
/eshop |
True |
- Support Multiple Economys
- Support Multiple CustomEnchant
- Support EnchantTable Direct
- Support Sound When Enchant Success
- Auto Check Enchant Available in Hand
- Blacklist System
- Customable Message
- Customable Form (GUI / UI)
- Form
- Configurable Form
- Slide for Level
- Configurable GUI
- If the enchant exceeds 26 Will be Divided into Pages
- Confirmation GUI
Do you want to register your enchant Into this EnchantShop, Please follow this Wiki
First Import Class MulqiGaming64\EconomyEnchant\Manager\EnchantManager
- Getting Item Flags
- EnchantManager::getItemFlags(/** Items you want */);
- Checking if Enchant Blacklisted
- EnchantManager::isEnchantBlacklisted(/** Name the enchantment with Lower */);
- Checking if Enchant blacklisted in Item
- EnchantManager::isItemBlacklisted(/** The Item /, /* Name Enchantment with Lower */);
- Form ( UI )
- InvMenu ( GUI )
- VanillaEC By David-pm-pl
- BedrockEconomy by cooldogedev
- XP By PocketMine-MP
# Please don't edit this, only for internal use
config-version: 3
# Your Economy plugin name
# Available: BedrockEconomy, XP, Auto
# If you select auto but there is no Economy Plugin it will automatically use XP
economy: "Auto"
# Can EnchantTable Redirect to EconomyEnchant
enchant-table: true
# Add Anvil Sound to Player if Enchant is Successful
sound: true
# Form Type
# Can use UI or GUI
form-type: "UI"
# Form
# Buy Menu
# Title for BuyShop
title: "EnchantShop"
# Content for BuyShop
content: "Select Enchantment:"
# Tag: {price} Price Enchantment, {enchant} Name Of Enchantment
# Only can 0-1
0: "{enchant}"
1: "{price}"
# Submit Menu
# Title for SubmitMenu
title: "EnchantShop"
# Content
# Tag: {price} Price of Enchantment
content: "§aYou will pay {price} Per Level"
# Max Content
max-content: "§aYour item has reached the level limit!"
# Slider Content
slider: "Level"
# Buy Menu
# Title for BuyShop
title: "EnchantShop"
# Tag: {level} Level Enchantment, {enchant} Name Of Enchantment
name: "§f{enchant} §b{level}"
# Tag: {price} Price Enchantment
# if you want to empty lore just put value []
- "Price for This Enchant {price}"
# Submit Menu
# Title for SubmitMenu
title: "EnchantShop"
# Buy Item
# Buy Item Name
# Tag: {level} Level Enchantment, {enchant} Name Of Enchantment
name: "Buy §f{enchant} §b{level}"
# Buy Item Lore
# Tag: {price} Price Enchantment
# if you want to empty lore just put value []
- "Are you sure to buy"
- "This Enchant With price {price}"
# Cancel Item
# Cancel Item Name
name: "§cCancel"
# Cancel Item Lore
# if you want to empty lore just put value []
- "Cancel buying Enchantment"
# Message
# Cannot Enchant On This Item
err-item: "§cYou cannot add Enchantment to This Item!"
# Exit Message
exit: "§aThank you for visiting!"
# Successfully Buy Enchant
# Tag: {enchant} Name Enchantment, {item} Name Item, {price} Price Enchantment
success: "§aSuccessfully Enchant {enchant} to {item}, with Price {price}"
# Error Max Enchant
max: "§cEnchant failed!, Your item is reached Max Level"
# Error Money not Enough
# Tag: {need} Needed Money
enough: "§cYour money is not enough need {need}"
# Mode
# If false Enchantment those that are not set will not be in the shop
# If true Enchantment Auto added and price will be to Default ( Not Setted )
mode: true
# Enchantment
# Name Enchantment
# Price
price: 1000
# Default, If the enchantment is not set above
# it will be redirected here
# Price
price: 10000
# Blacklist Enchantment from Shop
# if you want blacklist just add
# example: ["sharpness", "silk_touch"] or ["sharpness"]
blacklist: []
# Blacklist Enchantment from Item
# if you want blacklist just add
# example:
# blacklist:
# sharpness: ["diamond_sword"]
blacklist-item: []
- Remove Support Capital, EconomyAPI and PiggyCE until they update
- Fix Remaining GUI Page
- Fix wrong price in the GUI Page
- Update To New PocketMine-MP 5.0.0
- If you find bugs or want to give suggestions, please visit here