This code generates XML files from IATI Implementation Schedules in the XLS (Microsoft Excel) format, that follow this template. It can also be used to produce a schema to validate such XML files against.
Sample output can be found at
These instructions assume a unix-like system with git installed.
If you haven't already, clone the git repository
git clone
cd iati-implementationxml
Install the required python dependencies. E.g. on Debian, run:
sudo aptitude install python-lxml python-xlrd python-parsedatetime
wget ""
tar -xvzf schedules.tar.gz
mkdir xml
cd xml
wget ""
cd ..
The xml/
directory should then have several validating xml files, and
a corresponding schema.
Run python
for a list of command-line options for processing single files.
A copy of the schema produced can be found at
The schema closely follows the structure of the spreadsheets, with each of the children of the root element corresponding to a single sheet. For the most part, the children of these elements correspond to rows, whose children or attributes then correspond to cells.
The schema contains inline documentation. In addition, an auto-extracted HTML version can be found at
If you wish to generate the documentation yourself, you need xs3p. See
for an example of usage.