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extends the knowledge monad interface (#1360)
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This is a quality of life PR (an extract from another PR that I am currently working on) that adds a few useful primitives to the knowledge base monad interface.

The most important addition is the new operator `require` that works like `collect` but raises the empty value conflict if the returned value is empty. This function is inteded to be used in the context of promises and proposals that now catch this exception and evaluate the whole scoped expression to the empty value of the computed domain. This vastly simplify the implementation logic of promises for domains that do not use `None` as the empty value.

To make things work even more smoothly we extend the KB.Syntax module with a few new operators. First of all, we include the `Monad.Let` directly into the `KB.Syntax` so that you don't need to open `KB.Let` anymore. Next, we introduce `let*?` and `let+?`, which let-binding couterparts of the already existing `>>=?` and `>>|?` infix operators. Next, we add `-->?` to complement `-->`, it collects an optional domain value and fails if it is `None`.

Finally, we add indexing operators for accessing fields of KB values. The also come with the empty-checking variants.

The PR also applies the new operators to the existing code for the demonstration purposes (and to show that it works). I also believe that the rewritten code is more reable, even despite that I still prefer the infix syntax to the let-binding operators.
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ivg authored Nov 5, 2021
1 parent ea2f03d commit 97cc1a3
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Showing 7 changed files with 205 additions and 43 deletions.
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions lib/bap_primus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -685,17 +685,14 @@ let provide_semantics ?(stdout=Format.std_formatter) () =
provide Theory.Semantics.slot |>
comment "reifies Primus Lisp definitions"
let (>>=?) x f = x >>= function
| None -> !!Insn.empty
| Some x -> f x in
let require p k = if p then k () else !!Insn.empty in
KB.promise Theory.Semantics.slot @@ fun obj ->
KB.collect Theory.Label.unit obj >>=? fun unit ->
KB.collect obj >>=? fun name ->
obtain_typed_program unit >>= fun prog ->
let* unit = obj-->?Theory.Label.unit in
let* name = obj-->? in
let* prog = obtain_typed_program unit in
require (Set.mem prog.names name) @@ fun () ->
KB.collect Property.args obj >>= fun args ->
KB.collect unit >>= fun target ->
let* args = obj-->Property.args in
let* target = KB.collect unit in
let bits = Theory.Target.bits target in
KB.Context.set State.var State.{
binds = Map.empty (module Theory.Var.Top);
Expand All @@ -706,7 +703,7 @@ let provide_semantics ?(stdout=Format.std_formatter) () =
} >>= fun () ->
let* (module Core) = Theory.current in
let open Prelude(Core) in
reify stdout prog obj target name args >>= fun res ->
let* res = reify stdout prog obj target name args in
KB.collect Disasm_expert.Basic.Insn.slot obj >>| function
| Some basic when Insn.(res <> empty) ->
Insn.with_basic res basic
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50 changes: 47 additions & 3 deletions lib/knowledge/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2442,7 +2442,14 @@ module Knowledge = struct

let pids = ref

let register_promise (s : _ slot) run =
type conflict += Empty : ('a,'b) slot -> conflict

let with_empty ~missing scope =
Knowledge.catch (scope ())
(function Empty _ -> Knowledge.return missing
| other -> other)

let register_promise (type a b)(s : (a,b) slot) run =
Pid.incr pids;
let pid = !pids in
Hashtbl.add_exn s.promises pid {run; pid};
Expand All @@ -2451,9 +2458,14 @@ module Knowledge = struct
let remove_promise (s : _ slot) pid =
Hashtbl.remove s.promises pid

let wrap (s : _ slot) get obj =
let missing = Domain.empty s.dom in
with_empty ~missing @@ fun () ->
get obj

let promising s ~promise:get scoped =
let pid = register_promise s @@ fun obj ->
get obj >>= fun x ->
wrap s get obj >>= fun x ->
if Domain.is_empty s.dom x
then Knowledge.return ()
else provide s obj x in
Expand All @@ -2464,7 +2476,7 @@ module Knowledge = struct
let promise s get =
ignore @@
register_promise s @@ fun obj ->
get obj >>= fun x ->
wrap s get obj >>= fun x ->
if Domain.is_empty s.dom x
then Knowledge.return ()
else provide s obj x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2576,6 +2588,7 @@ module Knowledge = struct
| GT | NC -> collect_inner slot obj promises

let collect : type a p. (a,p) slot -> a obj -> p Knowledge.t =
fun slot id ->
if Object.is_null id
Expand All @@ -2592,6 +2605,13 @@ module Knowledge = struct
leave_slot slot id >>= fun () ->
current slot id

let require (slot : _ slot) obj =
collect slot obj >>= fun x ->
if (Domain.is_empty slot.dom x)
then (Empty slot)
else !!x

let resolve slot obj =
collect slot obj >>| Opinions.choice

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2792,10 +2812,17 @@ module Knowledge = struct

module Syntax = struct
include Knowledge.Syntax
include Knowledge.Let

let (-->) x p = collect p x
let (<--) p f = promise p f
let (//) c s = c s

let (-->?) x p =
collect p x >>= function
| None -> (Empty p)
| Some x -> !!x

let (>>=?) x f =
x >>= function
| None -> Knowledge.return None
Expand All @@ -2805,6 +2832,23 @@ module Knowledge = struct
x >>| function
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x

let (let*?) = (>>=?)
let (let+?) = (>>|?)

let (.$[]) v s = Value.get s v
let (.$[]<-) v s x = Value.put s v x

let (.?[]) v s = match v.$[s] with
| Some v -> !!v
| None -> (Empty s)

let (.![]) v s =
let r = v.$[s] in
if Domain.is_empty (Slot.domain s) r
then (Empty s)
else !!r

module type S = sig
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140 changes: 134 additions & 6 deletions lib/knowledge/bap_knowledge.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,6 +164,16 @@ module Knowledge : sig
value of the property domain is returned as the result. *)
val collect : ('a,'p) slot -> 'a obj -> 'p t

(** [require p x] collects the property [p] and fails if it is empty.
When [require p x] fails in the scope of a {!promise},
{!proposal}, or in the scope of [with_empty], then the scoped
computation immediately returns the empty value.
@since 2.4.0
val require : ('a,'p) slot -> 'a obj -> 'p t

(** [resolve p x] resolves the multi-opinion property [p]
Expand All @@ -186,6 +196,7 @@ module Knowledge : sig
then [provide p x v] diverges into a conflict.
val provide : ('a,'p) slot -> 'a obj -> 'p -> unit t

(** [suggest a p x v] suggests [v] as the value for the property [p].
The same as [provide] except the provided value is predicated by
Expand All @@ -195,26 +206,35 @@ module Knowledge : sig

(** [promise p f] promises to compute the property [p].
If no knowledge exists about the property [p] of
an object [x], then [f x] is invoked to provide an
initial value.
If the property [p] of [x] is not provided, then [f x] is
invoked to provide the initial value, when [p] is collected.
If there are more than one promises, then they all must
provide a consistent answer. The function [f] may refer
to the property [p] directly or indirectly. In that case
the least fixed point solution of all functions [g] involved
in the property computation is computed.
@since 2.4.0 if [require] is called in the scope of the promise
and fails, the the whole promise immediately returns the empty
value of the property domain, i.e., [f] is wrapped into
val promise : ('a,'p) slot -> ('a obj -> 'p t) -> unit

(** [promising p ~promise f] evaluates [f ()] under [promise] and
retracts it after [f] is evaluated.
The information provided by [promise] is only available during
evaluation of [f ()].
@since 2.2.0
@since 2.4.0 if [require] is called in the scope of the promise
and fails, the the whole promise immediately returns the empty
value of the property domain, i.e., [promise] (not [f]) wrapped
into [with_missing].
val promising : ('a,'p) slot -> promise:('a obj -> 'p t) ->
(unit -> 's t) -> 's t
Expand All @@ -223,6 +243,12 @@ module Knowledge : sig
The same as [promise] except that it promises a value for
an opinion-based property.
@since 2.4.0 if [require] is called in the scope of the promise
and fails, the the whole promise immediately returns the empty
value of the property domain, i.e., [f] is wrapped into
val propose : agent -> ('a, 'p opinions) slot -> ('a obj -> 'p t) -> unit

Expand All @@ -233,10 +259,25 @@ module Knowledge : sig
value for an opinion-based property.
@since 2.2.0
@since 2.4.0 if [require] are called in the scope of the proposal
and fails, the the whole proposal immediately returns the empty
value of the property domain, i.e., [propose] (not [f]) wrapped
into [with_missing].
val proposing : agent -> ('a, 'p opinions) slot ->
propose:('a obj -> 'p t) -> (unit -> 's t) -> 's t

(** [with_empty ~missing f x] evaluates [f ()] and if it fails on an empty
immediately evaluates to [return missing].
@since 2.4.0
val with_empty : missing:'r -> (unit -> 'r knowledge) -> 'r knowledge

(** state with no knowledge *)
val empty : state

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,10 +374,62 @@ module Knowledge : sig
include Monad.Syntax.S with type 'a t := 'a t

(** [x-->p] is [collect p x] *)
(** the monadic let-binding operators.
Brings [let*] for [bind] and [let+] for [map] to the scope
of the [Syntax] module.
@since 2.4.0 (before that an explicit [open Knowledge.Let] was
required. *)
include Monad.Syntax.Let.S with type 'a t := 'a t

(** [let*? v = x in f] evaluates to [f y] if [v] is [Some r].
Otherwise evaluates to [return None].
This let-binding operator is synonumous to [>>=?]
@since 2.4.0
val (let*?) : 'a option t -> ('a -> 'b option t) -> 'b option t

(** [let+? v = x in f] evaluates to [!!(f y)] if [v] is [Some r].
Otherwise evaluates to [return None].
This let-binding operator is synonumous to [>>|?]
@since 2.4.0
val (let+?) : 'a option t -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option t

(** [x-->p] is [collect p x].
let* addr = label-->address in
val (-->) : 'a obj -> ('a,'p) slot -> 'p t

(** [x-->?p] returns property [p] if it is not empty.
Otherwise, if [x-->p] evaluates to empty or to [None]
fails with the empty value conflict.
let* addr = label-->?address in
See also {!with_empty}. *)
val (-->?) : 'a obj -> ('a, 'p option) slot -> 'p t

(** [p <-- f] is [promise p f] *)
val (<--) : ('a,'p) slot -> ('a obj -> 'p t) -> unit

Expand All @@ -351,6 +444,42 @@ module Knowledge : sig

(** [x >>|? f] evaluates to [f y] if [x] evaluates to [Some y]. *)
val (>>|?) : 'a option t -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option t

(** [x.$[p]] is the propery [p] of [x].
@since 2.4.0
val (.$[]) : ('a,_) cls value -> ('a,'p) slot -> 'p

(** [x.$[p] <- r] updates the property [p] of [x] to [r].
Returns the value [x] with the new property. The previous
value is ignored so there is no merging or monotonicity check
@since 2.4.0 *)
val (.$[]<-) : ('a,'b) cls value -> ('a,'p) slot -> 'p -> ('a,'b) cls value

(** [x.?[p]] returns the non-[None] property [p] or fails.
The result is [return r] when [x.$[p]] is [Some r] or a
knowledge base conflict otherwise.
@since 2.4.0
val (.?[]) : ('a,_) cls value -> ('a,'p option) slot -> 'p knowledge

(** [x.![p]] returns the property [p] or fails if it is empty.
The result is [return r] if not [Domain.is_empty dom r],
where [dom] is [Slot.domain p].
@since 2.4.0
val (.![]) : ('a,_) cls value -> ('a,'p) slot -> 'p knowledge

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1388,7 +1517,6 @@ module Knowledge : sig
module Conflict : sig
type t = conflict = ..

(** [to_string err] is the textual representation of the conflict [err]
@since 2.2.0 *)
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16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions plugins/bil/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,21 +289,17 @@ let provide_bil ~enable_intrinsics () =
require Disasm_expert.Basic.Insn.slot |>
provide Bil.code |>
comment "uses legacy lifters to provide BIL code.");
let unknown = KB.Domain.empty Bil.domain in
let (>>?) x f = x >>= function
| None -> KB.return unknown
| Some x -> f x in
let enable_intrinsics = split_specs enable_intrinsics in
KB.promise Bil.code @@ fun obj ->
Knowledge.collect Arch.slot obj >>= fun arch -> obj >>= fun target ->
Knowledge.collect Memory.slot obj >>? fun mem ->
Knowledge.collect Disasm_expert.Basic.Insn.slot obj >>? fun insn ->
let* arch = KB.require Arch.slot obj in
let* target = obj in
let* mem = obj-->?Memory.slot in
let* insn = obj-->?Disasm_expert.Basic.Insn.slot in
match lift ~enable_intrinsics target arch mem insn with
| Error err ->
info "BIL: the BIL lifter failed with %a" Error.pp err;
| Ok [] -> !!unknown
KB.return []
| Ok [] -> KB.return []
| Ok bil -> Bil.Theory.parser bil >>= fun sema ->
let bil = Insn.bil sema in
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