Services are synchronous calls, which when called by one node executes a function in another node. They are used only when a function/task needs to be executed occassionally, say when a robot needs to perform a very discrete task such as taking a high resolution picture using a camera, etc.
Synchronous refers to an intereference with time, and means the that functions are performed one after the other. Messages, on the other hand, are asynchronous which means that they branch out into dfferent functions that execute simultaneously.
A Server provides a service by responding to a service call, and a Client requests for a service and accesses the service response.
ROS messages, which are transported using publishers and subscribers, are used whenever we need data to flow constantly and when we want to act on this data asynchronously. ROS services, on the other hand, are used only when we require data at specific time or when we want a task to be executed only at particular instances.
To better understand this, take a look at the following example.
- We have a robot that simulates it's environment in real-time. In such cases, we would use publishers/subscribers to send messages as that data flow needs to be constant. Also, we would want the robot to do other tasks as well, apart from just reading real-time data. If we use services, then the server/client would have to wait for a response/request and blocks the other code in the node, preventing other tasks from being executed,
- We have a robot that detects people in front of it. We would use services here as the node will wait for a person to come in front of it, then sends a request to the server and blocks the code while waiting for a response. Using messages here is pointless as we don't want to continuously check for people in front of the robot (it's just a one-time task).
Service files have an input and output call, and have the extension .srv
. These files are present in the srv directory of a package. Here's how a typical service file is defined
int 64 a
int 64 b
int64 sum
In order for the service files to run, a few changes have to be made in the package.xml file and CMakeLists.txt file.
In package.xml
# The following lines need to be added at the end of the file
In CMakeLists.txt Modify the file to make the following changes, if not done earlier
# Modify the existing line
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
was added in both the files and is done while creating messages as well. It works for both msg and srv.
After the necessary changes are made, we need to run catkin_make
or catkin_make --only_pkg_with_deps <package_name>
to compile the workspace or a particular package.
Running catkin_make
will create 2 additional classes for the service file as well. For example, if a service file is named add_two_int.srv, then the two classes add_two_intResponse and add_two_intRequest are created along with the previously existing add_two_int class. These classes allow us to interact with the service by calling for a Response or a Request.
Documentation -
is a tool that provides us with information about all files ending in .srv
is a tool that allows us to interact with Servers and Clients that are currently active.Reference -
Before we get into creating a server, let us take a look at out service definition file.
The same info can be gathered using the rossrv
command, as shown below.
Let us now create a server file, which would act as a python node for providing the service. Here's the code for creating a simple server.
#! /usr/bin/python2
import rospy
from beginner_tutorials.srv import add_two_int,add_two_intResponse
response = add_two_intResponse()
def add_ints(req):
print('Adding {} + {} '.format(req.a,req.b))
response.sum = req.a + req.b
return response.sum
srv = rospy.Service('add_two_int',add_two_int,add_ints)
print('Server is ready')
We import the add_two_intResponse
class as we are writing code for a Server, which provides a response for the service that is called.
is an object of the class add_two_intResponse()
srv = rospy.Service('add_two_int',add_two_int,add_ints)
This line creates an object named srv and declares/starts a service. The new service is given the name 'add_two_int' and has the service type add_two_int
. add_ints is a callback function that performs a desired task.
The function add_ints takes a variable as a request and returns the sum of 'a' and 'b'.
Like all python nodes, the client service file should also be created under the src
directory of a package.
#! /usr/bin/python2
import rospy
from beginner_tutorials.srv import add_two_int, add_two_intRequest
req = add_two_intRequest()
req.a = 4
req.b = 5
add_two_ints = rospy.ServiceProxy('add_two_int',add_two_int)
response = add_two_ints(req)
The class add_two_intRequest is imported in a client node as we need to send a Request to the Server.
req = add_two_intRequest()
: req is an object of the class add_two_intRequest(). The inputs for the object are given in the next two lines, which are to be sent to the server.
: This is a method that blocks until the service named 'add_two_int' is available.
add_two_ints = rospy.ServiceProxy('add_two_int',add_two_int)
: This is how we call a service of the service name add_two_int and service type add_two_int.
What is ServiceProxy?
Before we get into that, what is a Proxy ? A proxy is a gateway between a client and a server (usually a website) that takes a request and performs a function.
In a similar way, a ServiceProxy acts as an intermediary between a Client and a Server. It takes in the request from a Client and sends it to the Sever where it is passed into a function.
response = add_two_ints(req)
: The request is passed into the service call line, and is sent to the server which returns the desired output.
: The sum is then printed on the screen.
NOTE - The server node needs to be running while a client node is being executed.
Refer to the server code above to better understand how the service is being provided and why it returns the above outputs.
Let us take a look at a few other interesting things that we can do using services.
Here's a list of the services associated with turtlesim.
The one which we are particularly interested in, to spawn 2 turtles in the same node, is the service named '/spawn'. Here's some info about the service '/spawn'.
In order to spawn two turtles, we call a service and pass in the necessary parameters, which is demonstrated below
Spawn your turtlebot3 on gazebo by running the following command
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_empty_world.launch
Place a block in front of your turtlebot3, as shown below
Let us take a look at the various topics associated with gazebo
Here, we find a topic named /scan which is pretty interesting. To learn more about this topic, let us do a rostopic info
, as shown below.
Let us now take a look at what this message sensors_msgs/LaserScan has to offer.
Thus, this message provides us with several things related to the sensors output, and more importantly, gives us an array of all ranges of the laser scan. This is something that can be incredibly useful. However, subscribing to this would provide us with a list of 360 values (for 360 degrees), which is kinda unnecessary. Using services, we can have a synchronous callback function that provides us with data only for discrete inputs, such as giving us the range for a particular angle.
Let us now call for a service, by creating a server and a client. Before we do this, we would obviously need a service definition file present in the srv
Create a file named gazebo_server.srv under the srv directory, and have the following lines.
int64 direction
float32 distance
int64 direction
would serve as an input while float32 distance
serves as the output.
We need to make the necessary changes to package.xml file and CMakeList.txt file. This has been discussed above.
#! /usr/bin/python2
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from beginner_tutorials.srv import gazebo_server, gazebo_serverResponse
rospy.init_node('My_Node', anonymous=True)
ls_obj = LaserScan()
response = gazebo_serverResponse()
def callback(val):
global ls_obj
ls_obj = val
def func_serv(request):
global ls_obj
response.distance = ls_obj.ranges[request.direction]
return response.distance
sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, callback)
serv = rospy.Service('my_service', gazebo_server, func_serv)
ls_obj = LaserScan()
, response = gazebo_serverResponse()
: Objects are created for the respective classes
sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, callback)
: Subscribing to the topic /scan of the message type LaserScan, and the data from this is passed into the function named callback which stores the data in the object ls_obj.
serv = rospy.Service('my_service', gazebo_server, func_serv)
: A service is started with the name my_service, service type gazebo_server, and a callback function named func_serv which returns the desired output based on the request.
#! /usr/bin/python2
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from beginner_tutorials.srv import gazebo_server, gazebo_serverRequest
req = gazebo_serverRequest()
req.direction = 1
srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('my_service', gazebo_server)
r = rospy.Rate(5)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
result = srv(req)
: Waits for the service to start, which in our case is initialized by the server.
req = gazebo_serverRequest()
: An object is created and the desired request is passed
srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('my_service', gazebo_server)
: Calling for a service of the service name my_service and type gazebo_server
result = srv(req)
: The request is passed into the proxy, which is sent to the server and executes the desired function.
: The distance is printed on the screen.
NOTE - The server node needs to be running while a client node is being executed.