This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
- Java 8
- Spring Boot
- Angular JS
For CSV Parsing - opencsv 4.0
For API Docs - springfox-swagger2 v2.8.0
For API Docs UI - springfox-swagger-ui v2.8.0
For File Operations - commons-io v2.6
For demo purpose this application is hosted in my AWS account in Zone EU-WEST-2 London Data Center.
To access the application, please access below urls:
Task - 1:
Task - 2:
Task - 3:
Task - 1:
Task - 2:
Task - 3: Task - 3: Both APIs from Task1 and Task2 are used.
Source code is pushed to my public github repository
Application can be started in following ways:
- From the any Eclipse/IntelliJ IDE, directly execute the Main class (
- From Spring Tool Site(STS) IDE simply right click and run as Spring Boot App.
- And to execute from Command line use the either mvn exec:java or mvn spring-boot:run commands