Goal is to predict the operating condition of a waterpoint for each record in the dataset. You are provided the following set of information about the waterpoints:
- amount_tsh - Total static head (amount water available to waterpoint)
- date_recorded - The date the row was entered
- funder - Who funded the well
- gps_height - Altitude of the well
- installer - Organization that installed the well
- longitude - GPS coordinate
- latitude - GPS coordinate
- wpt_name - Name of the waterpoint if there is one
- num_private -
- basin - Geographic water basin
- subvillage - Geographic location
- region - Geographic location
- region_code - Geographic location (coded)
- district_code - Geographic location (coded)
- lga - Geographic location
- ward - Geographic location
- population - Population around the well
- public_meeting - True/False
- recorded_by - Group entering this row of data
- scheme_management - Who operates the waterpoint
- scheme_name - Who operates the waterpoint
- permit - If the waterpoint is permitted
- construction_year - Year the waterpoint was constructed
- extraction_type - The kind of extraction the waterpoint uses
- extraction_type_group - The kind of extraction the waterpoint uses
- extraction_type_class - The kind of extraction the waterpoint uses
- management - How the waterpoint is managed
- management_group - How the waterpoint is managed
- payment - What the water costs
- payment_type - What the water costs
- water_quality - The quality of the water
- quality_group - The quality of the water
- quantity - The quantity of water
- quantity_group - The quantity of water
- source - The source of the water
- source_type - The source of the water
- source_class - The source of the water
- waterpoint_type - The kind of waterpoint
- waterpoint_type_group - The kind of waterpoint
The labels in this dataset are simple. There are three possible values:
- functional - the waterpoint is operational and there are no repairs needed
- functional needs repair - the waterpoint is operational, but needs repairs
- non functional - the waterpoint is not operational
Link for DataSet : https://www.drivendata.org/competitions/7/data/