Working PHP and MySQL installation is required. Development does not require external http-server.
npm run download-wp
Create development database for wordpress and copy sample configuration as a base configuration
cp wp-config.php wordpress/wp-config.php
Modify DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD and DB_HOST to wp-config.php for local host setup. Please note that MySQL host should be instead of localhost.
Install theme dependencies
cd wordpress/wp-content/themes/THEME_NAME
npm install && bower install
Start PHP development server (on root of the repository).
npm start
cd wordpress/wp-content/themes/THEME_NAME
gulp build
cd wordpress/wp-content/themes/THEME_NAME
gulp watch
Note: If you want to use the bundled BrowserSync to see live changes when editing, modify wordpress/wp-content/themes/THEME_NAME/assets/manifest.json path to match the port you are running Wordpress on (e.g. 8080).
Once you have the applications up & running, developing and deploying using Google App engine is one-minute operation.
- Download and install Google App Engine SDK for PHP
- Start Google App Engine Launcher
- Open this project
- Click "Deploy" (will delegate you to OAUTH authentication)
If you want to set up the system from scratch, follow these 15-minute instructions:
- Follow the WP quick start instructions for App Engine
Build theme assets using instructions in the previous section.
This image requires that /var/www/ is set as a persistent volume in the container.
Create docker-machine environment if you do not have one yet. This needs to be done only once. Make sure that you have latest VirtualBox installed.
docker-machine create -d virtualbox default
Start the docker-machine and create the image.
mv Dockerfile.tmpl Dockerfile # Renamed to avoid app engine conflicts
docker-machine start default
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
docker build -t bdsfinland/bluearrow:latest .
docker push bdsfinland/bluearrow:latest
The following will create a static copy of the website. Note that all the links are not necessarily beautiful.
> wget -N --recursive --page-requisites --html-extension
The certificates for this site have been generated using This means you need to renew your certificate every three months - don't forget to do that!
In practice what you need to do is run letsencrypt cli every few months, follow the console instructions on what challenge key you'll upload into .well-known/acme-challenge, and re-deploy your website. The following long instructions help you forward:
(the new letesencrypt client),
for the domain.git clone [email protected]:certbot/certbot.git cd certbot sudo ./certbot-auto certonly --debug --manual
Follow the certbot instructions, e.g. copy the certbot verification string into root-level
directory while the process is still running.echo jRWhFIQGLP0MNIBL_1HMBvQEziW5Ss5bqsP8rSFcn-c.LKsscNwqNHbCdkVCcX9XTg570zfIQu6CkPBPISFc3hI >.well-known/acme-challenge/jRWhFIQGLP0MNIBL_1HMBvQEziW5Ss5bqsP8rSFcn-c
Update the new version into AppEngine - the easiest way is likely the AppEngine client (see above).
Let certbot finish its job, then save & Store the generated certificates.
Update the certbot created private key into RSA form:
openssl rsa -in privkey.pem >privkey-rsa.pem
Navigate to Google Cloud console (, bluearrowawards-1158 project, then
Dashboard->Resources->App Engine->Settings->SSL Certificates->Upload new certificate
. Choose the generated key (e.g.fullchain.pem
and the RSA private key (e.g.privkey-rsa.pem
). Finish the SSL certificate creation dialog.