- Ultimate DeFi & Blockchain Research Base
- Rareskills Security Book
- Cyfrin Security
- [Secureum Roadmap]
- Web3 Security Base Owen Thurm
- Rareskills Smart Contract Audit Tools - A
- Auditors Portfolio
- How to find so many criticals you get bored
- Uniswap V2 Book by Rareskills
- Zokyo DEX's (Decentralized Exchanges)
- Uniswap V3 Owen Thurm - V
- Uniswap V3 Playlist
- QuillHash EVM Mastery Roadmap
- Assembly && Formal Verification Cyfrin
- Jeffrey Sholz Courses
- Yul & Memory Intro Owen Thurm - V
- Complete Guide to EVM Owen Thurm - V
- Advanced Calldata - V
- The RareSkills Book of Solidity Gas Optimization: 80+ Tips
- Learn EVM Attacks - Repo
- Rounding Errors Owen Thurm - V
- Zokyo Unsafe Casting - A
- Zokyo 18 Decimal Assumption - A
- Zokyo Arithmetic - A
- Zokyo Integer Underflow and Overflow Vulnerabilities in Solidity (Before 0.8.0) - A
- Owen Thurm Video About FrontRunning
- Sandwich Attack by Owen Thurm
- scsfg Frontrunning
- Frontrunning Crypto Wizard- Very basic
- Cyfrin Security Frontrunning chapter
- FrontRunning Tutorial by Dapp University
- Zokyo Frontrunning - A
- EIP-1167: Minimal Proxy Standard with Initialization (Clone pattern)
- Zokyo Delegatecall Vulnerabilities in Precompiled Contracts - A
- Zokyo Proxies - A
- EIP 1967 Storage Slots for Proxies
- Upgradeable Contracts - Smartcontract Programmer
- yAcademy Proxies Research
- Risks of Upgradeable Contracts - Smartcontract Programmer
- Different Proxy Patterns - EIPs 897, 1822, 1967, 1538, 2535
- Rareskills Where to find solidity reentrancy attacks
- Zokyo Reentrancy - A
- Zokyo Read Only Reentrancy - A
- Zokyo Merkle Trees - A
- Zokyo Merkle Patricia Trees - A
- The second preimage attack for Merkle Trees in Solidity - A
- Solidity RSA signatures for aidrops and presales: Beating ECDSA and Merkle Trees in Gas Efficiency - A
- Signature related attacks - A
- Zokyo Slippage - A
- Liquidation Owen Thurm - V
- Vault Exploit Masterclass Owen Thurm - V
- ERC20 Edge Cases
- Zokyo ERC20 transfer() and safeTransfer()
- Approvals and Safe Approvals
- Zokyo Fee-On-Transfer Tokens - A
- Zokyo Liquid Staking - A
- Cryptography Basics - V
- CryptoHack Courses
- Converting Algebraic Circuits to R1CS (Rank One Constraint System)
- Bilinear Pairings in Python, Solidity, and the EVM
- Why elliptic curve point addition in prime finite fields always lands on integers
- Elementary Set Theory and Abstract Algebra for Programmers
- Encrypted Polynomial Evaluation
- Elementary Group Theory for Programmers