A PHP 5.3+ library to read and process e-mails over IMAP.
The recommended way to install the IMAP library is through Composer:
$ composer require ddeboer/imap:@stable
use Ddeboer\Imap\Server;
$server = new Server('imap.gmail.com');
// $connection is instance of \Ddeboer\Imap\Connection
$connection = $server->authenticate('my_username', 'my_password');
Retrieve mailboxes (also known as mail folders) from mailserver and iterate over them:
$mailboxes = $connection->getMailboxes();
foreach ($mailboxes as $mailbox) {
// $mailbox is instance of \Ddeboer\Imap\Mailbox
printf('Mailbox %s has %s messages', $mailbox->getName(), $mailbox->count());
Delete a mailbox:
Retrieve messages (e-mails) from a mailbox and iterate over them:
$messages = $mailbox->getMessages();
foreach ($messages as $message) {
// $message is instance of \Ddeboer\Imap\Message
Get message number and unique message id in the form <...>:
Get other message properties:
Get message headers as a \Ddeboer\Imap\Message\Headers object:
Get message body as HTML or plain text:
Reading the message body marks the message as seen. If you want to keep the message unseen:
Move a message to another mailbox:
$mailbox = $connection->getMailbox('another-mailbox');
Deleting messages:
Get message attachments (both inline and attached) and iterate over them:
$attachments = $message->getAttachments();
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
// $attachment is instance of \Ddeboer\Imap\Message\Attachment
Download a message attachment to a local file:
// getDecodedContent() decodes the attachments contents automatically:
'/my/local/dir/' . $attachment->getFilename(),
This library is functionally tested on Travis CI against the Gmail IMAP server.
If you have your own Gmail (test) account, you can run the tests locally:
$ composer install --dev
$ export EMAIL_USERNAME="your_gmail_username"
$ export EMAIL_PASSWORD="your_gmail_password"
$ vendor/bin/phpunit