Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn deploy
Refer to the official documentation for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "io.swagger:swagger-java-client:1.0.0"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
- target/swagger-java-client-1.0.0.jar
- target/lib/*.jar
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.BeezUPApi;
import java.util.*;
public class BeezUPApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API key authorization: api_key
ApiKeyAuth api_key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api_key");
api_key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
BeezUPApi apiInstance = new BeezUPApi();
String emailActivationId = "emailActivationId_example"; // String | The email activation id received by email.
try {
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling BeezUPApi#activateUserAccount");
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BeezUPApi | activateUserAccount | POST /user/customer/account/activate | Activate the user account |
BeezUPApi | autoConfigureAutoImportInterval | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/autoImport/scheduling/interval | Configure Auto Import Interval |
BeezUPApi | autoDeleteAutoImport | DELETE /user/catalogs/{storeId}/autoImport | Delete Auto Import |
BeezUPApi | autoGetAutoImportConfiguration | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/autoImport | Get the auto import configuration |
BeezUPApi | autoPauseAutoImport | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/autoImport/pause | Pause Auto Import |
BeezUPApi | autoResumeAutoImport | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/autoImport/resume | Resume Auto Import |
BeezUPApi | autoScheduleAutoImport | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/autoImport/scheduling/schedules | Configure Auto Import Schedules |
BeezUPApi | autoStartAutoImport | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/autoImport/start | Start Auto Import Manually |
BeezUPApi | catalogChangeCatalogColumnUserName | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/catalogColumns/{columnId}/rename | Change Catalog Column User Name |
BeezUPApi | catalogChangeCustomColumnExpression | PUT /user/catalogs/{storeId}/customColumns/{columnId}/expression | Change custom column expression |
BeezUPApi | catalogChangeCustomColumnUserName | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/customColumns/{columnId}/rename | Change Custom Column User Name |
BeezUPApi | catalogComputeExpression | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/customColumns/computeExpression | Compute the expression for this catalog. |
BeezUPApi | catalogDeleteCustomColumn | DELETE /user/catalogs/{storeId}/customColumns/{columnId} | Delete custom column |
BeezUPApi | catalogGetBeezUPColumns | GET /user/catalogs/beezupColumns | Get the BeezUP columns |
BeezUPApi | catalogGetCatalogColumns | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/catalogColumns | Get catalog column list |
BeezUPApi | catalogGetCategories | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/categories | Get category list |
BeezUPApi | catalogGetCustomColumnExpression | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/customColumns/{columnId}/expression | Get the encrypted custom column expression |
BeezUPApi | catalogGetCustomColumns | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/customColumns | Get custom column list |
BeezUPApi | catalogGetProduct | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/products/{productId} | Get product |
BeezUPApi | catalogGetProducts | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/products | Get product list |
BeezUPApi | catalogGetRandomProducts | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/products/random | Get random product list |
BeezUPApi | catalogSaveCustomColumn | PUT /user/catalogs/{storeId}/customColumns/{columnId} | Create or replace a custom column |
BeezUPApi | changeOrder | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/{marketplaceTechnicalCode}/{accountId}/{beezUPOrderId}/{changeOrderType} | Change your marketplace Order Information (accept, ship, etc.) |
BeezUPApi | changeOrderList | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/batches/changeOrders/{changeOrderType} | Send a batch of operations to change your marketplace Order information (accept, ship, etc.) |
BeezUPApi | changePassword | POST /user/customer/account/changePassword | Change user password |
BeezUPApi | clearMerchantOrderInfo | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/{marketplaceTechnicalCode}/{accountId}/{beezUPOrderId}/clearMerchantOrderInfo | Clear an Order's merchant information |
BeezUPApi | clearMerchantOrderInfoList | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/batches/clearMerchantOrderInfos | Send a batch of operations to clear an Order's merchant information |
BeezUPApi | configureAutomaticTransitions | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/automaticTransitions | Configure new or existing automatic Order status transition |
BeezUPApi | configureChannelCatalogCostSettings | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/settings/cost | Disable a channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | configureChannelCatalogExclusionFilters | PUT /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/exclusionFilters | Configure channel catalog exclusion filters |
BeezUPApi | configureChannelCatalogGeneralSettings | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/settings/general | Disable a channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | createChannelCatalog | POST /user/channelCatalogs/ | Create a new channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | createContract | POST /user/customer/contracts | Create a new contract |
BeezUPApi | createRule | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules | Rule creation |
BeezUPApi | createStore | POST /user/customer/stores | Create a new store |
BeezUPApi | deleteChannelCatalog | DELETE /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId} | Delete the channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | deleteChannelCatalogExportationCache | DELETE /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/exportations/cache | Delete the exportation cache |
BeezUPApi | deleteChannelCatalogProductValueOverride | DELETE /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/products/{productId}/overrides/{channelColumnId} | Delete a specific channel catalog product value override |
BeezUPApi | deleteNextContract | DELETE /user/customer/contracts/next | Delete your next contract |
BeezUPApi | deleteReportFilter | DELETE /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/filters/{reportFilterId} | Delete the report filter |
BeezUPApi | deleteRule | DELETE /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/{ruleId} | Delete Rule |
BeezUPApi | deleteShare | DELETE /user/customer/stores/{storeId}/shares/{userId} | Delete a share to another user |
BeezUPApi | deleteStore | DELETE /user/customer/stores/{storeId} | Delete a store |
BeezUPApi | disableChannelCatalog | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/disable | Disable a channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | disableChannelCatalogProduct | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/products/{productId}/disable | Disable channel catalog product |
BeezUPApi | disableRule | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/{ruleId}/disable | Disable rule |
BeezUPApi | enableChannelCatalog | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/enable | Enable a channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | enableRule | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/{ruleId}/enable | Enable rule |
BeezUPApi | exportOrders | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/exportations | Request a new Order report exportation to be generated |
BeezUPApi | exportStoreReportByCategory | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/bycategory/export | Export the report by category |
BeezUPApi | exportStoreReportByChannel | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/bychannel/export | Export the report by channel |
BeezUPApi | exportStoreReportByProduct | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/byproduct/export | Export the report by product |
BeezUPApi | getAutomaticTransitions | GET /user/marketplaces/orders/automaticTransitions | Get list of configured automatic Order status transitions |
BeezUPApi | getAvailableChannels | GET /user/channels/ | List all available channel for this store |
BeezUPApi | getBillingPeriods | GET /user/customer/billingPeriods | Get billing periods conditions |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalog | GET /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId} | Get the channel catalog information |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogCategories | GET /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/categoryMappings | Get channel catalog categories |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogExclusionFilterOperators | GET /user/channelCatalogs/exclusionFilterOperators | Get channel catalog exclusion filter operators |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogExportationCacheInfo | GET /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/exportations/cache | Get the exportation cache information |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogExportationHistory | GET /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/exportations/history | Get the exportation history |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogMarketplaceProperties | GET /user/marketplaces/channelcatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/properties | Get the marketplace properties for a channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogMarketplaceSettings | GET /user/marketplaces/channelcatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/settings | Get the marketplace settings for a channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogProductByChannelCatalog | POST /user/channelCatalogs/products/{productId} | Get channel catalog products related to these channel catalogs |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogProductInfo | GET /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/products/{productId} | Get channel catalog product information |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogProductInfoList | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/products | Get channel catalog product information list |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCatalogs | GET /user/channelCatalogs/ | List all your current channel catalogs |
BeezUPApi | getChannelCategories | GET /user/channels/{channelId}/categories | Get channel categories |
BeezUPApi | getChannelColumns | POST /user/channels/{channelId}/columns | Get channel columns |
BeezUPApi | getChannelInfo | GET /user/channels/{channelId} | Get channel information |
BeezUPApi | getChannels | GET /public/channels/{countryIsoCode} | The channel list for one country |
BeezUPApi | getChannelsIndex | GET /public/channels/ | Get public channel index |
BeezUPApi | getContracts | GET /user/customer/contracts | Get contract list |
BeezUPApi | getCreditCardInfo | GET /user/customer/account/creditCardInfo | Get credit card information |
BeezUPApi | getFriendInfo | GET /user/customer/friends/{userId} | Get friend information |
BeezUPApi | getInvoices | GET /user/customer/invoices | Get all your invoices |
BeezUPApi | getMarketplaceAccountStores | GET /user/marketplaces/channelcatalogs/ | Get you marketplace channel catalog list |
BeezUPApi | getMarketplaceAccountsSynchronization | GET /user/marketplaces/orders/status | Get current synchronization status between your marketplaces and BeezUP accounts |
BeezUPApi | getOffer | POST /user/customer/offers | Get offer pricing |
BeezUPApi | getOrder | GET /user/marketplaces/orders/{marketplaceTechnicalCode}/{accountId}/{beezUPOrderId} | Get full Order and Order Item(s) properties |
BeezUPApi | getOrderExportations | GET /user/marketplaces/orders/exportations | Get a paginated list of Order report exportations |
BeezUPApi | getOrderHistory | GET /user/marketplaces/orders/{marketplaceTechnicalCode}/{accountId}/{beezUPOrderId}/history | Get an Order's harvest and change history |
BeezUPApi | getOrderIndex | GET /user/marketplaces/orders/ | Get all actions you can do on the order API |
BeezUPApi | getOrderListFull | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/list/full | Get a paginated list of all Orders with all Order and Order Item(s) properties |
BeezUPApi | getOrderListLight | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/list/light | Get a paginated list of all Orders without details |
BeezUPApi | getProfilePictureInfo | GET /user/customer/account/profilePictureInfo | Get profile picture information |
BeezUPApi | getPublicListOfValues | GET /public/lov/{listName} | Get the list of values related to this list name |
BeezUPApi | getPublicLovIndex | GET /public/lov/ | Get all list names |
BeezUPApi | getPublications | GET /user/marketplaces/channelcatalogs/publications/{marketplaceTechnicalCode}/{accountId}/history | Fetch the publication history for an account, sorted by descending start date |
BeezUPApi | getReportFilter | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/filters/{reportFilterId} | Get the report filter description |
BeezUPApi | getReportFilters | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/filters | Get report filter list for the given store |
BeezUPApi | getRights | POST /user/customer/stores/{storeId}/rights | Get store's rights |
BeezUPApi | getRule | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/{ruleId} | Gets the rule |
BeezUPApi | getRules | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules | Gets the list of rules for a given store |
BeezUPApi | getRulesExecutions | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/executions | Get the rules execution history |
BeezUPApi | getShares | GET /user/customer/stores/{storeId}/shares | Get shares related to this store |
BeezUPApi | getStandardOffers | GET /user/customer/offers | Get all standard offers |
BeezUPApi | getStore | GET /user/customer/stores/{storeId} | Get store's information |
BeezUPApi | getStoreAlerts | GET /user/customer/stores/{storeId}/alerts | Get store's alerts |
BeezUPApi | getStoreReportByCategory | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/bycategory | Get the report by category |
BeezUPApi | getStoreReportByChannel | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/bychannel | Get the report by channel |
BeezUPApi | getStoreReportByDay | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/byday | Get the report by day |
BeezUPApi | getStoreReportByDayExport | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/byday/export | Get the report by day |
BeezUPApi | getStoreReportByProduct | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/byproduct | Get the report by product |
BeezUPApi | getStoreTrackedClicks | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/tracking/clicks | Get the latest clicks tracked |
BeezUPApi | getStoreTrackedExternalOrders | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/tracking/externalorders | Get the latest external orders tracked |
BeezUPApi | getStoreTrackedOrders | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/tracking/orders | Get the latest orders tracked |
BeezUPApi | getStoreTrackingStatus | GET /user/analytics/{storeId}/tracking/status | Get store tracking synchronization status |
BeezUPApi | getStores | GET /user/customer/stores | Get store list |
BeezUPApi | getTrackingStatus | GET /user/analytics/tracking/status | Display the synchronization status of the clicks and orders |
BeezUPApi | getUserAccountInfo | GET /user/customer/account | Get user account information |
BeezUPApi | getUserListOfValues | GET /user/lov/{listName} | Get the list of values related to this list name |
BeezUPApi | getUserLovIndex | GET /user/lov/ | Get all list names |
BeezUPApi | harvestAll | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/harvest | Send harvest request to all your marketplaces |
BeezUPApi | harvestOrder | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/{marketplaceTechnicalCode}/{accountId}/{beezUPOrderId}/harvest | Send harvest request for a single Order |
BeezUPApi | headOrder | HEAD /user/marketplaces/orders/{marketplaceTechnicalCode}/{accountId}/{beezUPOrderId} | Get the meta information about the order (ETag, Last-Modified) |
BeezUPApi | importationActivateAutoImport | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/autoImport | Activate the auto importation of the last successful manual catalog importation. |
BeezUPApi | importationCancel | DELETE /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId} | Cancel importation |
BeezUPApi | importationCommit | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/commit | Commit Importation |
BeezUPApi | importationCommitColumns | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/commitColumns | Commit columns |
BeezUPApi | importationConfigureCatalogColumn | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/catalogColumns/{columnId} | Configure catalog column |
BeezUPApi | importationConfigureRemainingCatalogColumns | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/configureRemainingCatalogColumns | Configure remaining catalog columns |
BeezUPApi | importationDeleteCustomColumn | DELETE /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/customColumns/{columnId} | Delete Custom Column |
BeezUPApi | importationGetCustomColumnExpression | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/customColumns/{columnId}/expression | Get the encrypted custom column expression in this importation |
BeezUPApi | importationGetCustomColumns | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/customColumns | Get custom columns currently place in this importation |
BeezUPApi | importationGetDetectedCatalogColumns | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/catalogColumns | Get detected catalog columns during this importation. |
BeezUPApi | importationGetImportationMonitoring | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId} | Get the importation status |
BeezUPApi | importationGetManualUpdateLastInputConfig | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/inputConfiguration | Get the last input configuration |
BeezUPApi | importationGetProductSample | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/productSamples/{productSampleIndex} | Get the product sample related to this importation with all columns (catalog and custom) |
BeezUPApi | importationGetProductSampleCustomColumnValue | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/productSamples/{productSampleIndex}/customColumns/{columnId} | Get product sample custom column value related to this importation. |
BeezUPApi | importationGetReportings | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations | Get the latest catalog importation reporting |
BeezUPApi | importationIgnoreColumn | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/catalogColumns/{columnId}/ignore | Ignore Column |
BeezUPApi | importationMapCatalogColumn | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/catalogColumns/{columnId}/map | Map catalog column to a BeezUP column |
BeezUPApi | importationMapCustomColumn | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/customColumns/{columnId}/map | Map custom column to a BeezUP column |
BeezUPApi | importationReattendColumn | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/catalogColumns/{columnId}/reattend | Reattend Column |
BeezUPApi | importationSaveCustomColumn | PUT /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/customColumns/{columnId} | Create or replace a custom column |
BeezUPApi | importationStartManualUpdate | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations | Start Manual Import |
BeezUPApi | importationTechnicalProgression | GET /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/technicalProgression | Get technical progression |
BeezUPApi | importationUnmapCatalogColumn | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/catalogColumns/{columnId}/unmap | Unmap catalog column |
BeezUPApi | importationUnmapCustomColumn | POST /user/catalogs/{storeId}/importations/{executionId}/customColumns/{columnId}/unmap | Unmap custom column |
BeezUPApi | login | POST /public/security/login | Login |
BeezUPApi | logout | POST /user/customer/security/logout | Log out the current user from go2 |
BeezUPApi | lostPassword | POST /public/security/lostpassword | Lost password |
BeezUPApi | mapChannelCatalogCategory | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/categoryMappings/map | Map channel catalog category |
BeezUPApi | mapChannelCatalogColumns | PUT /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/columnMappings | Configure channel catalog column mappings |
BeezUPApi | moveDownRule | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/{ruleId}/movedown | Move the rule down |
BeezUPApi | moveUpRule | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/{ruleId}/moveup | Move the rule up |
BeezUPApi | optimise | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/optimisations/{actionName} | Optimise products |
BeezUPApi | optimiseByCategory | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/optimisations/bycategory/{catalogCategoryId}/{actionName} | Optimise products's category |
BeezUPApi | optimiseByChannel | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/optimisations/bychannel/{channelId}/{actionName} | Optimise products's category |
BeezUPApi | optimiseByProduct | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/optimisations/byproduct/{productId}/{actionName} | Optimise products |
BeezUPApi | overrideChannelCatalogProductOverrides | PUT /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/products/{productId}/overrides | Override channel catalog product values |
BeezUPApi | reactivateCurrentContract | POST /user/customer/contracts/current/reenableAutoRenewal | Reactivate your terminated contract. |
BeezUPApi | reenableChannelCatalogProduct | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/products/{productId}/reenable | Reenable channel catalog product |
BeezUPApi | register | POST /public/security/register | User Registration |
BeezUPApi | resendEmailActivation | POST /user/customer/account/resendEmailActivation | Resend email activation |
BeezUPApi | runRule | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/{ruleId}/run | Run rule |
BeezUPApi | runRules | POST /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/run | Run all rules for this store |
BeezUPApi | saveCompanyInfo | PUT /user/customer/account/companyInfo | Change company information |
BeezUPApi | saveCreditCardInfo | PUT /user/customer/account/creditCardInfo | Save user credit card info |
BeezUPApi | savePersonalInfo | PUT /user/customer/account/personalInfo | Save user personal information |
BeezUPApi | saveProfilePictureInfo | PUT /user/customer/account/profilePictureInfo | Change user picture information |
BeezUPApi | saveReportFilter | PUT /user/analytics/{storeId}/reports/filters/{reportFilterId} | Save the report filter |
BeezUPApi | saveStoreAlert | PUT /user/customer/stores/{storeId}/alerts/{alertId} | Save store alert |
BeezUPApi | setChannelCatalogMarketplaceSettings | POST /user/marketplaces/channelcatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/settings | Save new marketplace settings for a channel catalog |
BeezUPApi | setMerchantOrderInfo | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/{marketplaceTechnicalCode}/{accountId}/{beezUPOrderId}/setMerchantOrderInfo | Set an Order's merchant information |
BeezUPApi | setMerchantOrderInfoList | POST /user/marketplaces/orders/batches/setMerchantOrderInfos | Send a batch of operations to set an Order's merchant information |
BeezUPApi | share | POST /user/customer/stores/{storeId}/shares | Share a store to another user |
BeezUPApi | terminateCurrentContract | POST /user/customer/contracts/current/disableAutoRenewal | Schedule termination of your current contract at the end of the commitment. |
BeezUPApi | unmapChannelCatalogCategory | POST /user/channelCatalogs/{channelCatalogId}/categoryMappings/unmap | Unmap channel catalog category |
BeezUPApi | updateRule | PATCH /user/analytics/{storeId}/rules/{ruleId} | Update Rule |
BeezUPApi | updateStore | PATCH /user/customer/stores/{storeId} | Update some store's information. |
BeezUPApi | userCustomerGet | GET /user/customer/ | The index of all operations and LOV |
- AccountId
- AccountInfo
- AccountInfoLinks
- AccountPublications
- AccountPublicationsLinks
- AccountStatus
- AccountSynchronization
- AccountSynchronizations
- AccountingEmails
- Address
- AlertId
- AlertIsActive
- AlertName
- AlertPropertyId
- AlertPropertyValue
- ApiCredential
- ApiCredentials
- ApiSettingStatus
- AutoImportConfiguration
- AutomaticTransition
- AutomaticTransitionInfo
- AutomaticTransitionInfoLinks
- AutomaticTransitionInfos
- AutomaticTransitionInfosLinks
- BatchOrderOperationResponse
- BeezUPColumnConfiguration
- BeezUPCommonBeezUPColumnName
- BeezUPCommonCatalogCategoryId
- BeezUPCommonCatalogCategoryPath
- BeezUPCommonCatalogColumnId
- BeezUPCommonCatalogColumnUserName
- BeezUPCommonChannelBasicInfo
- BeezUPCommonChannelCatalogId
- BeezUPCommonChannelCategoryId
- BeezUPCommonChannelCategoryPath
- BeezUPCommonChannelColumnId
- BeezUPCommonChannelColumnName
- BeezUPCommonChannelId
- BeezUPCommonChannelName
- BeezUPCommonColumnDataType
- BeezUPCommonColumnImportance
- BeezUPCommonCountryIsoCodeAlpha3
- BeezUPCommonCurrencyCode
- BeezUPCommonDocUrl
- BeezUPCommonEmail
- BeezUPCommonErrorResponseMessage
- BeezUPCommonErrorSummary
- BeezUPCommonExceptionDetail
- BeezUPCommonHref
- BeezUPCommonHttpMethod
- BeezUPCommonHttpUrl
- BeezUPCommonInfoSummaries
- BeezUPCommonInfoSummary
- BeezUPCommonLOVLink2
- BeezUPCommonLOVLink3
- BeezUPCommonLink2
- BeezUPCommonLink3
- BeezUPCommonLinkParameter2
- BeezUPCommonLinkParameter3
- BeezUPCommonLinkParameterProperty3
- BeezUPCommonListOfValueItem
- BeezUPCommonMarketplaceAccountId
- BeezUPCommonMarketplaceBusinessCode
- BeezUPCommonMarketplaceTechnicalCode
- BeezUPCommonOperationId
- BeezUPCommonPaginationResult
- BeezUPCommonPaginationResultLinks
- BeezUPCommonParameterIn
- BeezUPCommonParameterType
- BeezUPCommonProductBasicInfo
- BeezUPCommonProductId
- BeezUPCommonStoreId
- BeezUPCommonSuccessSummary
- BeezUPCommonUserErrorMessage
- BeezUPCommonUserErrorMessageArguments
- BeezUPCommonUserId
- BeezUPCommonWarningSummary
- BeezUPOrderId
- BeezUPOrderStatus
- BeezUPTimeZoneId
- BillingPeriod
- BillingPeriodInMonth
- BillingPeriods
- BonusInfo
- BonusType
- BusinessOperationType
- CanBeTruncated
- CardNumber
- CardVerificationCode
- CatalogColumn
- CatalogColumnName
- CatalogColumns
- Categories
- Category
- CategoryMappingState
- CategoryMappingStatus
- ChangeCustomColumnExpressionRequest
- ChangeCustomColumnRequest
- ChangeOrderListRequest
- ChangeOrderListRequestItem
- ChangeOrderReporting
- ChangeOrderRequest
- ChangePasswordRequest
- ChangeUserColumnNameRequest
- ChannelCatalog
- ChannelCatalogCategoryMapping
- ChannelCatalogCategoryMappingInfo
- ChannelCatalogCategoryMappings
- ChannelCatalogExportCacheInfo
- ChannelCatalogExportCacheInfoResponse
- ChannelCatalogExportCacheInfoResponseLinks
- ChannelCatalogExportationHistory
- ChannelCatalogExportationHistoryLinks
- ChannelCatalogExportationReporting
- ChannelCatalogList
- ChannelCatalogMarketplaceProperties
- ChannelCatalogMarketplacePropertiesLinks
- ChannelCatalogMarketplaceProperty
- ChannelCatalogMarketplacePropertyGroup
- ChannelCatalogMarketplaceSetting
- ChannelCatalogMarketplaceSettingArray
- ChannelCatalogMarketplaceSettings
- ChannelCatalogMarketplaceSettingsLinks
- ChannelCatalogProductByChannelCatalogRequest
- ChannelCatalogProductByChannelCatalogResponse
- ChannelCatalogProductInfo
- ChannelCatalogProductInfoLinks
- ChannelCatalogProductInfoList
- ChannelCatalogProductInfoListLinks
- ChannelCatalogState
- ChannelCategory
- ChannelCategoryChannelCode
- ChannelCategoryColumnOverride
- ChannelCategoryColumnOverrides
- ChannelCategoryDefaultCost
- ChannelCategoryLevel
- ChannelColumn
- ChannelColumnConfiguration
- ChannelColumnDescription
- ChannelColumnRestrictedValues
- ChannelColumnShowInMapping
- ChannelFirstLevelCategory
- ChannelHeader
- ChannelHeaderLinks
- ChannelInfo
- ChannelInfoList
- ChannelInfoListLinks
- ChannelRootCategory
- City
- ClearMerchantOrderInfoListRequest
- ClickIncludedAndAdditionalClickPrice
- ClickIncludedAndVariablePrice
- ColumnConfiguration
- ColumnCultureName
- ColumnFormat
- ColumnId
- ColumnMapping
- ColumnMappingList
- ColumnMappingStatus
- ColumnMappingWithName
- ColumnMappingWithNameList
- Company
- CompanyInfo
- CompareOptions
- CompressionFormatStrategy
- ComputeExpressionRequest
- ConfigureAutoImportIntervalRequest
- ConfigureAutomaticTransitionRequest
- ConfigureCatalogColumnCatalogRequest
- ContractBillingPeriodInfo
- ContractBonusInfo
- ContractClickInfo
- ContractCommitmentInfo
- ContractDiscountInfo
- ContractId
- ContractInfo
- ContractMoneyInfo
- ContractStoreInfo
- ContractTerminationReason
- ContractTerminationReasonType
- Contracts
- ContractsLinks
- CostSettings
- CostType
- CouponDiscountCode
- CouponOfferCode
- CreateChannelCatalogRequest
- CreateContract
- CreateCustomColumnRequest
- CreateRuleRequest
- CreateStoreRequest
- Credential
- CreditCardInfo
- CreditCardInfoResponse
- CreditCardInfoResponseLinks
- CreditCardInfoWithCardType
- CurrentContractInfo
- CurrentContractInfoLinks
- CustomColumn
- CustomColumns
- CustomerIndex
- CustomerIndexLinks
- CustomerIndexLovLinks
- DateSearchType
- DetectedCatalogColumn
- DetectedCatalogColumns
- DisplayGroupName
- DownloadCatalogStrategy
- DuplicateProductValueConfiguration
- DuplicateProductValueStrategy
- EncryptedBlocklyExpression
- EncryptedExpression
- Etag
- ExclusionFilter
- ExclusionFilterName
- ExclusionFilterOperator
- ExclusionFilterOperatorDataType
- ExclusionFilterOperatorName
- ExclusionFilters
- ExecutionId
- ExecutionUUID
- ExistingCatalogColumnConfiguration
- ExpirationMonth
- ExpirationYear
- ExportOrderListFormat
- ExportOrderListRequest
- FeedType
- FileFormatStrategy
- FirstName
- FixedAndVariableClickModelInfo
- FriendCountryIsoCodeAlpha3
- FriendEmail
- FriendProfilePictureUrl
- Functionality
- FunctionalityRightInfo
- GeneralSettings
- GetChannelCatalogProductInfoListRequest
- GetProductsRequest
- GlobalPerformanceIndicatorByChannel
- GravatarProfilePictureUrl
- HarvestOrderReporting
- ImportationMonitoring
- ImportationReporting
- ImportationTechnicalProgression
- InitialsProfilePictureUrl
- InlineResponse409
- InlineResponse409Links
- InputConfiguration
- InputFileConfiguration
- InputFileFetchConfiguration
- InputFileReadConfiguration
- InputFileReadCsvConfiguration
- InputFileReadXmlConfiguration
- Invoice
- InvoiceNumber
- InvoicePaymentStatus
- Invoices
- LastManualImportInputConfiguration
- LastName
- LinkClickToOrderType
- LinksChangeOrderLink
- LinksChangePasswordLink
- LinksClearMerchantOrderInfoLink
- LinksClearMerchantOrderInfoListLink
- LinksConfigureAutomaticTransitionsLink
- LinksCreateContractLink
- LinksCreateRuleLink
- LinksCreateStoreLink
- LinksDeleteChannelCatalogExportationCacheLink
- LinksDeleteNextContractLink
- LinksDeleteReportFilterLink
- LinksDeleteRuleLink
- LinksDeleteShareLink
- LinksDeleteStoreLink
- LinksDisableRuleLink
- LinksEnableRuleLink
- LinksExportOrdersLink
- LinksGetAutomaticTransitionsLink
- LinksGetChannelCatalogExportationCacheInfoLink
- LinksGetChannelCatalogExportationHistoryLink
- LinksGetChannelCatalogMarketplacePropertiesLink
- LinksGetChannelCatalogMarketplaceSettingsLink
- LinksGetChannelCatalogProductInfoLink
- LinksGetChannelsIndexLink
- LinksGetChannelsLink
- LinksGetContractsLink
- LinksGetCreditCardInfoLink
- LinksGetMarketplaceAccountStoresLink
- LinksGetMarketplaceAccountsSynchronizationLink
- LinksGetOrderExportationsLink
- LinksGetOrderHistoryLink
- LinksGetOrderIndexLink
- LinksGetOrderLink
- LinksGetOrderListFullLink
- LinksGetOrderListLightLink
- LinksGetProfilePictureInfoLink
- LinksGetPublicListOfValuesLink
- LinksGetPublicLovIndexLink
- LinksGetPublicationsLink
- LinksGetReportFilterLink
- LinksGetReportFiltersLink
- LinksGetRuleLink
- LinksGetRulesExecutionsLink
- LinksGetRulesLink
- LinksGetSharesLink
- LinksGetStoreLink
- LinksGetStoresLink
- LinksGetUserListOfValuesLink
- LinksGetUserLovIndexLink
- LinksHarvestAllLink
- LinksHarvestOrderLink
- LinksImportationGetImportationMonitoringLink
- LinksMoveDownRuleLink
- LinksMoveUpRuleLink
- LinksOptimiseByCategoryLink
- LinksOptimiseByChannelLink
- LinksOptimiseByProductLink
- LinksOptimiseLink
- LinksReactivateCurrentContractLink
- LinksRunRuleLink
- LinksRunRulesLink
- LinksSaveCompanyInfoLink
- LinksSaveCreditCardInfoLink
- LinksSavePersonalInfoLink
- LinksSaveProfilePictureInfoLink
- LinksSaveReportFilterLink
- LinksSaveStoreAlertLink
- LinksSetChannelCatalogMarketplaceSettingsLink
- LinksSetMerchantOrderInfoLink
- LinksSetMerchantOrderInfoListLink
- LinksShareLink
- LinksTerminateCurrentContractLink
- LinksUpdateRuleLink
- LinksUpdateStoreLink
- LoginRequest
- MapBeezUPColumnRequest
- MapCategoryRequest
- MargingType
- MarketplaceChannelCatalog
- MarketplaceChannelCatalogLinks
- MarketplaceChannelCatalogList
- MarketplaceChannelCatalogListLinks
- MarketplaceChannelCatalogLovLinks
- MarketplaceOrderId
- MarketplaceOrderStatus
- NextContractInfo
- NextContractInfoLinks
- Offer
- OfferContent
- OfferFunctionality
- OfferId
- OfferLinks
- OfferRequest
- OptimisationActionName
- OptimiseRequest
- Order
- OrderBuyerName
- OrderExportationReporting
- OrderExportationReportingProcessingStatus
- OrderExportations
- OrderExportationsLinks
- OrderHeader
- OrderHeaderLinks
- OrderHistory
- OrderIdentifier
- OrderIdentifierWithETag
- OrderIndex
- OrderIndexLinks
- OrderIndexLovLinks
- OrderItem
- OrderLinks
- OrderListFull
- OrderListFullLinks
- OrderListLight
- OrderListLightLinks
- OrderListLinks
- OrderListRequest
- OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareName
- OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion
- OrderMerchantOrderId
- OrderOperationResponse
- OrderTransitionLinks
- PageNumber
- PageSize
- PaginationRequestParameters
- PaymentMethod
- PerformanceIndicatorFormula
- PerformanceIndicatorFormulaOperatorName
- PerformanceIndicatorFormulaParameterType
- PerformanceIndicatorType
- PersonalInfo
- PhoneNumber
- PostalCode
- PreviousFixPeriodInvoiceProrataInfo
- Processing
- Product
- ProductFilters
- ProductOverrideWithCatalogValue
- ProductOverrides
- ProductOverridesWithCatalogValues
- ProductSample
- ProductStateFilter
- ProductValues
- Products
- ProfilePictureInfo
- ProfilePictureInfoResponse
- ProfilePictureInfoResponseLinks
- ProfilePictureInfoWithDefault
- ProfilePictureSelected
- ProfilePictureUrl
- PromotionalCodeValidity
- PublicChannelIndex
- PublicChannelIndexLinks
- PublicListOfValuesResponse
- PublicListOfValuesResponseLinks
- PublicLovIndex
- PublicLovIndexLinks
- PublicLovLinks
- PublicationFeedReporting
- PublicationReporting
- PublicationType
- RegisterRequest
- ReportAdvancedFilters
- ReportByCategory
- ReportByCategoryLinks
- ReportByCategoryRequest
- ReportByCategoryResponse
- ReportByCategoryResponseLinks
- ReportByChannel
- ReportByChannelLinks
- ReportByChannelRequest
- ReportByChannelResponse
- ReportByChannelResponseLinks
- ReportByCommonResponseLinks
- ReportByDay
- ReportByDayAllChannels
- ReportByDayByChannel
- ReportByDayRequest
- ReportByDayResponse
- ReportByProduct
- ReportByProductLinks
- ReportByProductRequest
- ReportByProductResponse
- ReportByProductResponseLinks
- ReportCategoryFilter
- ReportFilter
- ReportFilterCommonParameters
- ReportFilterHeader
- ReportFilterHeaderLinks
- ReportFilterLinks
- ReportFilterParameters
- ReportFilters
- ReportFiltersLinks
- ReportIndicatorFilter
- ReportIndicatorFilterOperatorName
- ReportProductFilter
- ReportProductFilterOperatorName
- ReportType
- Rule
- RuleExecutionReporting
- RuleExecutionReportingErrorType
- RuleExecutionReportingExecutionSource
- RuleExecutionReportingLinks
- RuleExecutionReportingStatus
- RuleExecutionReportings
- RuleLastExecutionStatus
- RuleLinks
- RuleList
- RuleListLinks
- SaveReportFilterRequest
- SaveStoreAlertRequest
- ScheduleAutoImportRequest
- SchedulingType
- SetChannelCatalogMarketplaceSettingsRequest
- SetMerchantOrderInfoListRequest
- SetMerchantOrderInfoListRequestItem
- SetMerchantOrderInfoRequest
- SourceType
- StandardOffer
- StandardOffers
- StartManualImportRequest
- Store
- StoreAlert
- StoreAlertLinks
- StoreAlertProperty
- StoreAlertPropertyInfo
- StoreAlerts
- StoreCount
- StoreCountryIsoCodeAlpha3
- StoreHeader
- StoreHeaderLinks
- StoreName
- StoreSector
- StoreSectors
- StoreShare
- StoreShareLinks
- StoreShares
- StoreSharesLinks
- StoreStatus
- StoreTrackingStatus
- StoreUrl
- StoreUserRole
- Stores
- StoresLinks
- TerminateContract
- TrackedClick
- TrackedClicks
- TrackedExternalOrder
- TrackedExternalOrderProduct
- TrackedExternalOrders
- TrackedOrder
- TrackedOrderProduct
- TrackedOrders
- TrackingStatus
- Type
- UnmapCategoryRequest
- UpdateRuleRequest
- UpdateStoreRequest
- UpgradeOfferRequired
- UserColumName
- UserFriendInfo
- UserListOfValuesResponse
- UserListOfValuesResponseLinks
- UserLovIndex
- UserLovIndexLinks
- UserLovLinks
- VariableModelInfo
- VatNumber
- WhatIDo
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
- Location: HTTP header
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.