A small Twitter clone that allows users to post messages to a public stream.
The scenario is similar to the Chitter Challenge, except it uses a pre-existing backend API.
My aim this weekend is to build a front-end single-page-app to interface with an external API. The API documentation is here.
I chose this challenge to get more practice with:
- Javascript SPAs
- External API integration
- User login / authentication
Here's a model of how I planned the entities to interact to load the landing page:
Viewing all Peeps Here's a model of how I planned the entities to interact to load the landing page:
- Logging in
- Posting Peeps
- Viewing individual Peeps
- Deleting Peeps
- Liking Peeps
- Unliking Peeps
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/BecaLParker/frontend-api-challenge
- cd to directory frontend-api-challenge
You can run the testing ....
- open SpecRunner.html in a browser
Interact as a user by ...
- open index.html in a browser and follow the onscreen instructions
- allymparker for discussing my entity sequence diagram during planning, and for explaining promises (extracting methods that return promises, testing promises)
- The Fetch API for making requests.
- Postman or Insomnia for exploring the API.