Just go to beatleader.xyz
The BeatLeader is an unofficial community project and not officially affiliated with Beat Saber.
yarn install
Install netlify-cli(one time setup):
npm install netlify-cli -g
Start Netlify dev environment(every time):
netlify dev
Navigate to localhost:8888. You should see the app running. Website will reload automatically after you save your changes.
- Create a fork ("Fork" button on top) or ask me in Discord to add you to this repository as a developer if you plan to contribute often.
- Create work branch ("nsgolova/rankingImprovements" for example). You can push to the master in your fork, but not in the main repository.
- Commit and push your changes.
- Open a pull request. Netlify will deploy a stage website for your fork and you can test it out.
- Your pull request would be merged and changes will deploy to the website!
By default, Netlify builds the app after every change to the master branch in the repository, so all you need is
git push
Check your hosting provider's documentation.
Note that the project uses Netlify redirects to bypass CORS issues in the Beat Savior API.
Check the contents of netlify.toml and see how you can resolve this with your provider.