Beat Saber open replay format.
0x442d3d69 - int, unique magic number.
1 - byte, file version.
0 - byte, info structure start.
{ - Info structure
version - string, Mod version
gameVersion - string, Game version
timestamp; - string, play start unix timestamp.
playerID; - string, player platform unique id.
playerName; - string, player platform name.
platform; - string, oculus or steam.
trackingSytem; - string, tracking system type. (OpenVR, Oculus, etc.)
hmd; - string, headset type. (Oculus Quest, Valve Index, etc.)
controller; - string, controllers type. (Oculus touch, etc)
hash; - string, map hash.
songName; - string, song name.
mapper; - string, mapper name.
difficulty; - string, difficulty name. (Easy, ExpertPlus, etc).
score - int, total unmodified score.
mode - string, game mode. (Standard, OneSaber, Lawless, etc.)
environment - string, environment name. (The beginning, etc.)
modifiers - comma separated string, game modifiers. (FS, GN, etc.)
jumpDistance - float, note jump distance.
leftHanded - bool
height - float, static height
startTime - float, song start time (practice mode).
failTime - float, song fail time (only if failed).
speed - float, song speed (practice mode).
1 - byte, frames array start.
framesCount - int, frames count.
{ - Frame structure
time - float, song time
fps - int, player's FPS
{ - Head structure
{x, y, z} - 3 floats, position.
{x, y, z, w} - 4 floats, rotation.
{ - Left hand structure
{x, y, z} - 3 floats, position.
{x, y, z, w} - 4 floats, rotation.
{ - Right hand structure
{x, y, z} - 3 floats, position.
{x, y, z, w} - 4 floats, rotation.
2 - byte, note events array start.
noteCount - int, note events count.
{ - Note event structure.
noteID - int, scoringType*10000 + lineIndex*1000 + noteLineLayer*100 + colorType*10 + cutDirection.
Where scoringType is game value + 2. Standard values:
Normal = 0,
Ignore = 1,
NoScore = 2,
Normal = 3,
SliderHead = 4,
SliderTail = 5,
BurstSliderHead = 6,
BurstSliderElement = 7
eventTime - float, song time of event
spawnTime - float, spawn time of note
eventType - int, good = 0,bad = 1,miss = 2,bomb = 3
{ - Cut info structure (only for Good and Bad!)
bool speedOK;
bool directionOK;
bool saberTypeOK;
bool wasCutTooSoon;
float saberSpeed;
Vector3 saberDir;
int saberType;
float timeDeviation;
float cutDirDeviation;
Vector3 cutPoint;
Vector3 cutNormal;
float cutDistanceToCenter;
float cutAngle;
float beforeCutRating;
float afterCutRating;
3 - byte, wall events array start
wallCount - int, wall events count
wallID - int, lineIndex*100 + obstacleType*10 + width
energy - float, energy at the end of event
time - float, song time of event
spawnTime - float, spawn time of wall
4 - byte, automatic height array start
heightCount - int, height change events count
height - float, height value
time - float, song time
5 - byte, pause array start
pauseCount - int, pauses count
duration - long, duration in seconds
time - float, pause start time
6 - byte, start of controller offsets, *OPTIONAL*
{ - Left hand structure
{x, y, z} - 3 floats, position.
{x, y, z, w} - 4 floats, rotation.
{ - Right hand structure
{x, y, z} - 3 floats, position.
{x, y, z, w} - 4 floats, rotation.
7 - byte, start of user data, *OPTIONAL*
userDataLength - int, length of userdata
content - byte, variable meaning
Binary file containing only values without the keys. Values are coded one after another. Uses Little Endian!
- byte, 1 byte
- int, 4 bytes
- float, 4 bytes
- bool, 1 byte
- string, int (count) + count bytes
Parsed ScoreSaber replays for good ranked plays. You can use ScoreSaber leaderboard API or HEAD request to the in order to check for replay.
- playerID is Steam or Oculus id of player.
- songID is ScoreSaber leaderboardID.
- link is direct download link to replay. Example:
POST request with replay file in body
JSON file with such structure:
info: {
version: , // String. Version of the replay
hash: , // String. Song hash
difficulty: , // int. Song difficulty (1 - E, 3 - N, 5 - H, 7 - E, 9 - E+)
mode: , // String. Game mode. (Standard, OneSaber, etc.)
environment: , // String. Environment name (BigMirrorEnvironment, etc.)
modifiers: , // [String]. Game modifiers. (GN, FS, etc.)
noteJumpStartBeatOffset: , // float. Offset to calculate JD value.
leftHanded: , // bool. Left handed play, all the notes is mirrored
height: , // float. Player static height
frames: [{ // One for the each frame of the replay
h: { // Head
r: { // Rotation quaternion
x:, y:, z:, w:
p: { // Position
x:, y:, z:
l: { // Left hand
r: { // Rotation quaternion
x:, y:, z:, w:
p: { // Position
x:, y:, z:
r: { // Right hand
r: { // Rotation quaternion
x:, y:, z:, w:
p: { // Position
x:, y:, z:
a: , // float. Frame time
i: // int. Player FPS
scores: , // [int]. Score for every note. -5 - wall, -4 - bomb, -3 - miss, -2 - badcut, 1 to 115 - normal score. Walls are the last.
combos: , // [int]. Combo for every note.
noteTime: , // [float]. Time each note was cut. In seconds.
noteInfos: , // [string]. Note type and position. Concatenated four ints: lineIndex + lineLayer + cutDirection + type
dynamicHeight: [{// Player dynamic height value. Can be empty if user uses static height.
h: // float. Height
a: // float. Time
Replays are a great source of information about the game. They not only can be used for displaying the recording of the play but as a statistic or insight data source. Only the ScoreSaber mod is capable of recording, playing, and storing replays. Replay logic and file format is closed and used only by the ScoreSaber. It's maybe great from the security point of view but leads to stagnation.
The main goal of this project is to design and develop an open-source replay system which is secure and useful at the same time.
- Chose which data should be sent.
- Create a new replay format.
- Create an algorithm for marking the replay to prevent usage of another's replay.
- Develop the server.
- Develop recorder and player.