GY26Compass is a library which facilitates communication with the GY-26 Compass module. Serial and I2C communication protocols are supported by separate classes, GY26_Uart_Compass and GY26_I2C_Compass.
- Author: Tony Brophy
- Version 0.5.0
- The I2C and Software-Serial implementations have been tested successfully on Arduino Uno
- The I2C and Hardware-Serial implementations have been tested successfully on ESP32
- GY26_I2C_Compass: The Arduino Wire library is required for I2C
- GY26_Uart_Compass: The Arduino SoftwareSerial libary is required for the serial implementation only if a Hardware port is not being used
Simply instantiate the appropriate GY26Compass object corresponding to the desired protocol.
For I2C, initialize the Wire object, then call the desired methods as shown below:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <GY26Compass.h>
GY26_I2C_Compass compass(0x70);
void setup(){
Wire.begin(); // Start I2C connectivity
void loop(){
float compassTemperature = compass.getTemperatureCelsius();
float compassAngle = compass.getCompassAngle();
/* Use above values ... */
The following sample code is relevant for a Hardware Serial port, in this case Serial2 (not available on Uno)
#include <GY26Compass.h>
GY26_Uart_Compass compass(&Serial2);
void setup(){
Serial2.begin(9600); // Start Serial Connectivity
void loop(){
float compassTemperature = compass.getTemperatureCelsius();
float compassAngle = compass.getCompassAngle();
/* Use above values ... */
If a SoftwareSerial library is installed for your board, you may use it as shown below
#include <GY26Compass.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
const uint8_t softRxPin = 10;
const uint8_t softTxPin = 11;
SoftwareSerial serial(softRxPin, softTxPin);
GY26_Uart_Compass compass(&serial);
void setup(){
serial.begin(9600); // Start serial connectivity
void loop(){
float compassTemperature = compass.getTemperatureCelsius();
float compassAngle = compass.getCompassAngle();
/* Use above values ... */
See the examples for more details and instructions on calibration.
The library source headers GY26_I2C_Compass.h and GY26_Uart_Compass.h contain documentation which provide further insight into the available functionality