CMSIS SVD file parser
>>> from svd import SVD
>>> svd = SVD(filename)
>>> svd.parse()
This will create a tree similar to the SVD one.
To get a list of peripherals:
>>> >>> svd.peripherals.keys()
odict_keys(['TIMER0', 'TIMER1', 'TIMER2', 'TEST1'])
To get the list of registers, for a peripheral:
>>> svd.peripherals['TIMER1'].registers:
OrderedDict([('CR', <svd.svd.SVDRegister object at 0x7f01790bb048>), ...])
To get the list of fields:
>>> svd.peripherals['TIMER1'].registers['CR'].fields
OrderedDict([('EN', <svd.svd.SVDField object at 0x7f01790bb2e8>), ...])
Most of tags' content are available as class property. Basically, to get the peripheral offset:
>>> svd.peripherals['TIMER1'].baseAddress
Or, to get the description:
>>> svd.peripherals['TIMER1'].description
'32 Timer / Counter, counting up or down from different sources'