Forked from Ampleforth @ commit hash 9a940f30d62df9dde709974988d3edc5546d6721
Ampleforth (code name uFragments) is a decentralized elastic supply protocol. It maintains a stable unit price by adjusting supply directly to and from wallet holders. You can read the whitepaper for the motivation and a complete description of the protocol.
This repository is a collection of smart contracts that implement the Ampleforth protocol on the Ethereum blockchain.
The official mainnet addresses are:
- ERC-20 Token: 0xD46bA6D942050d489DBd938a2C909A5d5039A161
- Supply Policy: 0x1B228a749077b8e307C5856cE62Ef35d96Dca2ea
- Orchestrator: 0x6fb00a180781e75f87e2b690af0196baa77c7e7c
- Market Oracle: 0x99c9775e076fdf99388c029550155032ba2d8914
- CPI Oracle: 0xa759f960dd59a1ad32c995ecabe802a0c35f244f
# Install project dependencies
npm install
# Install ethereum local blockchain(s) and associated dependencies
npx setup-local-chains
# You can use the following command to start a local blockchain instance
npx start-chain [ganacheUnitTest|gethUnitTest]
# Run all unit tests
npm test
# Run unit tests in isolation
npx truffle --network ganacheUnitTest test test/unit/uFragments.js
There is a testnet deployment on Rinkeby. It rebases hourly using real market data.
- ERC-20 Token: 0x027dbcA046ca156De9622cD1e2D907d375e53aa7
- Supply Policy: 0x1D2771AFC894107c4edc072e3bd15Cb7F1BCC007
- Orchestrator: 0xF473604Be74A69a6bB4ebED33A91a291f6C5b5DE
- Market Oracle: 0x47fB203e1d75FB2c518Cd56f3a8094D22A46aF83
- CPI Oracle: 0xDB021b1B247fe2F1fa57e0A87C748Cc1E321F07F
To report bugs within this package, create an issue in this repository. For security issues, please contact [email protected]. When submitting code ensure that it is free of lint errors and has 100% test coverage.
# Lint code
npm run lint
# View code coverage
npm run coverage