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Predict colorectal cancer using microbiome data

Our goal is to try to predict whether someone has colorectal cancer based on the abundance of different bacteria in their stool microbiome.

This tutorial is just for demonstration purposes and for live-coding section of ASM Microbe presentation. Please go to the provided links for further reading.

Feaures: 16S rRNA gene abundances clustered to OTUs (represent bacterial abundances)

Label: Health outcome (whether the patient has colorectal cancer or not)

Classification algorithm: Regularized Logistic Regression

Credit: Thank you Zena Lapp for your live-coding scripts.

  1. First thing we do is download the dataset: There are 2 ways of doing this:

    • Clone this repository on your terminal in Mac or Git Bash on Windows if you have it.

3. Open RStudio. Go to File tab, click on New Project, create a project on Existing Directory, navigate to machine-learninig-pipelines-r directory and start the new project. Now you can open a New R script clicking on the green plus in RStudio.

4. First we will load packages. If you haven't installed the packages before, please go to your RStudio console:


If you already installed these all you have to type now is:


5. We are now ready to read in our data.

data = read.delim('../data/data.tsv')

6. Explore the data:

> data[1:5,1:5]

  cancer   Otu00001   Otu00002    Otu00003     Otu00004
1      0 0.09804447 0.06288435 0.076198630 0.0033046927
2      0 0.05759443 0.03689744 0.074058219 0.0148711170
3      1 0.10072328 0.21027574 0.319777397 0.0003304693
4      0 0.08893651 0.13013291 0.488869863 0.0000000000
5      1 0.45459416 0.00178536 0.008561644 0.0006609385

7. Learn about the data:

  • The rows are different samples, each from a different person
  • The first column is whether the person has cancer or not
    • 0 means no cancer, 1 means cancer
    • This is the label
  • The rest of the columns are abundance of different OTUs
    • OTU stands for operational taxonomic unit, which is kind of like a species
    • Scaled to be between 0 and 1
    • These are the features we will use to classify/predict the label

How many samples do we have? How many features?


 0   1 
172 120 

8. Do we have any missing data?

[1] 0

Since we don't have any missing data, we don't have to remove any of the samples.

9. Refactor parts of the data

We need to change the numeric outcomes to a string. Caret doesn't like having numeric outcome variables.

data$cancer <- ifelse(data$cancer == 1, "cancer", "normal")

10. Split data into train and test set:

The next step is to split the data into a training set (80% of the data) and a test set (20% of the data). We will make a logistic regression model using the training set and then test the model using the test set.

Why are we doing this? Because to have a reliable model, we need to follow the ML pipeline seen in Figure 1.

Ideally this is the pipeline we need to follow, where we are repeating the modeling experiment many times. Due to time contraints at the conference, we are doing only a portion of this pipeline. Please go to if you want to implement this pipeline for your project.

Figure 1. Machine Learning Pipeline

We need to have a held-out test data, that will not be used for training the model. To create a training dataset and a held-out test dataset we need to make changes to our dataset.

  • Randomly order samples.
random_ordered <- data[sample(nrow(data)),]
  • Determine the number of training samples
number_training_samples <- ceiling(nrow(random_ordered) * 0.8)
  • Create training set:
train <- random_ordered[1:number_training_samples,]
  • Create testing set
test <- random_ordered[(number_training_samples + 1):nrow(random_ordered),]

Let's look at the caret package which is a helpful wrapper that makes our life easier!

Caret package is short for Classification And REgression Training) is a set of functions that attempt to streamline the process for creating predictive models. The package contains tools for all the steps of machine learning.

11. Load the caret package:


12. The syntax for training caret models is a little different than what we used before. Because we can use many different models here, they created a generic train function. We define what the training data is, then the method as regularized logistic regression. We also define which metric we want to use to evaluate the model. You can look at what options you have with caret here:

We also choose to do a better job with out pipeline by adding a cross-validation step to our training step.

  • Let's create a cross-validation scheme. This is an internal data-split to create a better model where we test different cost parameters and decide which one is better.

  • How many folds will there be in our cross-validation step? If we pick 5 then 80% of the data will be used to train and 20% will be used to test different cost options. This will be repeated until each fold is tested. (This is an internal datasplit which is applied after the first outer datasplit to create held-out dataset)

cv <- trainControl(method="cv", number=5)
  • What cost options are we trying in cross-validation?
grid <-  expand.grid(cost = c(10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001),
                          loss = "L2_primal",
                          epsilon = 0.01)
  • Let's train the model:
trained_model <-  train(cancer ~ .,
                        method = "regLogistic",
                        metric = "Accuracy",
                        tuneGrid = grid,
                        trControl = cv,
  1. Our model is trained and we can see how each cost hyperparameter did.
  1. Now we have the trained model and our model picked the best mtry to use, let's predict on test set.
logit_pred <- predict(trained_model, test)
  1. Let's see how the model did. We can use the confusionMatrix function in the caret package.
confusionMatrix(logit_pred, as.factor(test$cancer))
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction cancer normal
    cancer     10      1
    normal     13     34
               Accuracy : 0.7586          
                 95% CI : (0.6283, 0.8613)
    No Information Rate : 0.6034          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.009653        
                  Kappa : 0.4461          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.003283        
            Sensitivity : 0.4348          
            Specificity : 0.9714          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.9091          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.7234          
             Prevalence : 0.3966          
         Detection Rate : 0.1724          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.1897          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.7031          
       'Positive' Class : cancer


ASM Microbe Tutorial - How to Machine Learn






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