Releases: BSData/whfb
Releases · BSData/whfb
New Wood Elves file
Releasing Wood Elves 8th edition BRB - 8th edition AB
(final draft of the file being worked on)
O&G shared items
New Dwarf catalogue and some Bugfixes
New naming release
- Renamed the files so it could host older files from the same army as well (older Army Books with current Edition)... Hell maybe I'll be such a nut that I'll do older releases of the BRB also..
- Added Empire and High Elves 7th Ed AB (that is now possible due to point 1)
- Fixed a small point error in Ogre Kingdom concerning Rock Eye
- Normalized files by running them through Data Indexer (done by @Jonskichov )
Full Data Refresh
There were a lot of data file changes in this release. You may need to delete your old data files if you end up with multiple data files for the same army
- Renamed all files to use similar naming convention to wh40k
- Replaced all files with those made by StealthKnightSteg on Randomhit:
- Added Dwarfs file by Derk here:
- Added Dark Elves file by Fade on Randomhit:
- Normalized files by running them through Data Indexer
Ogres Updated
Fixed Ogre weapon options only applying once, not once per model.
Fixed Mournfang armor and weapon options only applying once, not once per model.
Fixed Maneater and Golgfag's Maneaters weapon and armor options.
Tidied Golfag Maneater's entry to display his weapons.
Corrected price of Rockeye to 5 points from 20.
Initial commit