Releases: BSData/whfb
Small fixes
Orcs & Goblins - Arachnarok not compulsory
Skaven - Enchanted shield cost corrected
v0.2.43 Additions and fixes to Skaven and End times additions to Helfs
High Elves:
Updated roster contains profiles and rules for elven incarnates from the end times.
Tyrion Incarnate of Light
Caradryan Incarnate of Fire
Alarielle Incarnate of Life
There was no option to get Giant Rats to count as core when Throt the Unclean was in the roster. This option is now added. Packmasters can be added to a unit of Giant Rats for every 5 Giant Rat in that unit. The current file was structured so that one could add an additional packmaster to one unit, when it was another unit that had the five additional Giant Rats. I changed it so that it now checks for the amount of Giant Rats in it's own unit, instead of Giant Rats in the roster.
The amout of Lord Skrolk's Plague Monks allowed did not increase to -1 with the inclusion of Lord Skrolk in the roster. This has been rectified. Lord Skrolks plague monks did not increment the amount of Plague Furnace's allowed, this is now fixed.
Small fixes
[LoC] Added Lore of Undeath to Pink Horrors
[DoC] Added Lore of Undeath to Pink Horrors
[HE] Fixed Mage steed price
[HE] Fixed Great Eagle unit size restrictions
Added Balthasar Gelt and Fixed Plague Drones upgrades
[TE] Added Balthasar Gelt, Incarnate of Metal.
[DoC] Fixed the upgrade pricing.
[LoC] Fixed the upgrade pricing.
Fixes on End Times Thanquol
[Skaven] Fixed the cost of the End Times Thanquol and added the proper restriction of not having both the normal Thanquol and End Times Thanquol in the same Roster.
Additions and fixes
[Dwarfs] Fixed Roster Max of Ungrims.
[O&G] Fixed Da Immortalz Roster Max.
[Skaven] Added Stormfiends and End Times Thanquol & Boneripper.
v0.2.38 Fixes to The End Times Archaon additions
Small fixes to Skullreapers and Wrathmongers and Incarnation of Beasts
v0.2.37 The End Times Archaon additions
[DoC] Added Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage, Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster.
[LoC] Added Skarr Bloodwrath, Wrathmongers, Skullreapers, Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage, Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster.
[WoC] Added Skarr Bloodwrath, Wrathmongers, Skullreapers.
[Dwarfs] Removed Slayer King from Ungrim Incarnate of Fire.
[O&G] Added Grimgor, Incarnate of Beasts.
v0.2.36 Added Verminlord Deceiver and a fix to [CD]
[Skaven] Added Verminlord Deceiver.
[Chaos Dwarfs] Fixed T value of Sorcerer Prophet.
v0.2.35 Minor fixes to WoC and added End Times characters to Skaven
[Skaven] Added Warbringer and Warpseer.
[WoC] Fixed W of Lord Sorcerer and the description of Banner of Rage.