Isorian, Virai and Freeborn fixes
Added option for generic Drone Commander
Added option for nano probe net (also note that the army must take a drone commander to take one, and it ts a tactical entry)
Pulse bike squad should not have option for synchroniser drone
Heavy Support Team is only listed as “Support Team” under Strategic
Base weapon is listed as an X Launcher, it should be an X Howitzer
Andhak Medium Support Drone needs Phase-Shift Projector added to weapon options (free)
Enhanced Machine Intelligence upgrade for the Tograh Transport Drone should be 10 points and not free
Cleaned up some unnecessary brackets
Fixed Concord C3M407 (close combat) not having default weapon values set
Virai first instance needed "only one" and "limited choice" added to it
Freeborn Nuhu Renegade seems to be 150 instead of 130 pts
Skyraider command, 164, instead of 152 pts
Skyraiders, 121, instead of 109 pts
Mhagris Skarks, 115, instead of 112 pts
T7 Transport, 174, instead of 96 pts
Skark Meld, 54, instead of 60 pts
Added M407 CS Type Close Support Drone
Added Solar Command Skimmer
Added Iso Drones
T7 Transports is not in the support section, just strategic, should be both
Removed unnecessary angle brackets