Fun Guys Balance Games Edition
- Added Foon Gus
- Made all current balance changes permanent
- Removed balance changes option
- Consolidated all feats into a single library
- Moved to a more helpful version numbering system of YYMM.X, where X is the revision of the last major release (i.e. it contains a new entry or major structural change) in MM month of 20YY year.
- Minor fixes
- Kyou Poison 1/2
- Kinshi E&N theme Ronin availability (Mootaz)
- Blade Finesse wording (son of yurei)
- Umbral Mastery cost (Mootaz)
- KKZ Poisoned Weapons card availability (Mootaz)
- Fixed Deep Mushrooms (inprognito)
These changes will likely cause error warning messages on existing lists, but shouldn’t be fatal.
If you’re worried, remove the ‘Balance Changes Jan23’ entry from your lists before updating and you should be fine.