A Multi-Semantic Mapping Brain Representation for Human High-Level Visual Cortex
git clone https://github.com/mofianger/clip-msm.git
cd clip-msm
Ensure you have the necessary packages by referring to the requirements file. Set up a virtual environment and install the required packages:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install torch
and torchvision
from PyTorch tailored to your system configuration.
To proceed with the analysis, you'll need specific datasets. For a streamlined setup, consider downloading the required datasets directly from their respective sources, such as the natural scene datasets and the NOD
This part is located within clip-msm/model-training directory
Examine the sample config.cfg
for guidance on setting up paths. Update it to include the local paths for your NSD data, NOD data, coco, etc.
The directory structure of result should be organized as follows where ROOT
shall be your working directory:
├── output/ # For output files like encoding models and bootstrap results.
├── figures/ # For diagrams and images.
└── features/ # For files associated with model features.
is designed to run all models for all subjects by default.
To execute the script:
sh project_commands.sh
To run a specific model on the NSD, utilize the command:
python run_model/run_model.py --subj $subj --roi SELECTIVE_ROI --model clip_vit
python run_model/run_model.py --subj $subj --roi SELECTIVE_ROI --model clip_visual_resnet
python run_model/run_alex.py --subj $subj
python run_model/run_resnet.py --subj $subj
For the NOD dataset, run the model using:
python run_model/RN50_NOD.py --subj $subj
python run_model/ViT_NOD.py --subj $subj
To process bootstrap result, you can use:
python analyze/process_bootstrap_results.py --subj $subj --model clip_vit --roi SELECTIVE_ROI
For visualizing results, execute the following scripts located in the /plot
- Noise Ceiling: run
- Model Performance:
generates a box plot illustrating the performance of all models on a specified subject.plot_multiple_models.py
displays the mean RSQ (R-squared) and its standard deviation for all models across various data sessions on a specific subject.plot_single_model.py
displays the mean RSQ and its standard deviation for a single model across different data sessions on a specific subject.plot_single_model_Pearson.py
assesses model performance using Pearson correlation coefficients.
- Flatmap Visualization: Utilize the script
The visualizing of CLIP-MSM is based on the results of Model Training and Dissect.
is used to visualize any result on the surface.visualize_FOOD_ROI.py
are used to visualize the food selevtive regions on the native space flatmap.visualize_resnet50_training.py
are used to visualize the performance of all encoding models on the native space flatmap.visualize_hard-clip-dissect.py
are used to visualize voxel-wise semantic mapping on the native space flatmap.visualize_hard-clip-dissect-label.py
are used to visualize semantic mapping of individual label on the native space flatmap.visualize_soft-clip-dissect.py
are used to visualize the multi-semantic-mapping of all voxels on the native space flatmap.visualize_SELECTIVE_ROI.py
are used to visualize the Selevtive ROI on the native space flatmap.
You need to replace the dataset path in the config file with your local path before running the dissection model. Also, you can choose your running device, cpu or cuda
The directory structure of result will be organized as follows where ROOT
shall be your working directory:
├── NOD_DissectActivation/ # Preserve the model's embedding of the image on NOD dataset
├── NSD_DissectActivation/ # Preserve the model's embedding of the image on NSD dataset
└── NOD_DissectResult/ # Preservation of voxel dissection results and visualization of the highest voxel activation images
└── NSD_DissectResult/ # Preserve the result of NSD Dataset
is designed to run all models for all subjects in NOD dataset by default.
sh run.sh
is designed to run all models for all subjects in NSD dataset by default.
sh NOD_run.sh
You can choose your target model and subject by running describe_neurons.py
for NSD dataset and NOD_describe_neurons.py
for NOD dataset
You can use this function to get multiple images of the maximally activated voxel,
You can use this file to get a histogram of profiling results for specific brain regions
You can use this file to calculate the correlation between the soft and hard dissection results and the floc response in NSD or NOD dataset dissection result.
Use this file to compute the t test value between the soft and hard dissection method, and plot the box-and-line graphs for NSD or NOD dataset dissection result.
This streamlined guide should help you set up and execute the CLIP-MSM project efficiently.