For 2021 Celo-mobile-hackathon Make it Mobile Hackathon - Celo
Our project can increase consumers' access to the flea market and even attract tourists. It's about incorporating cello ecosystems into flea market payments. With our mobile web browser(dApp), at any flea market in any country in the world, payments can be made easier without having to have local currency. The system mechanism provides automatic inter-currency exchange function, which makes the existing exchange process unnecessary and has a lower cost in terms of fees. In addition, the influx of tourists is expected to boost the local economy.
In addition to attracting tourists, it will also attract the attention of local residents. People become dull no matter how interesting or great they are. The synergy effect of local residents and tourists on the revival of the market will be more than imagined, as our distinctive dApp, which is linked to the local flea market, will attract local residents' attention and make them visit the flea market once more by featuring attractive NFT footprints. We decided on a service concept with animal footprint NFT, adding the characteristics of walking around the market to the meaning of a stamp. We added novelty by setting it as the footprints of thousands of animals on Earth, not ordinary footprints and named the Footprint NFT.
🔎About Our Project - Specifics
Our dApp is divided into three parts.
1) Market Pages
Users can see the flea market lists shown on the map and check the detailed market informations entered inside the flea market.
2) NFT Pages
After payment is completed at the market, Footprint NFT is automatically paid randomly. The paid Footprint NFT are kept on the user's ‘My NFT’ page. Within the ‘MY NFT’ page, 'My Paint' function allows you to create a new work with Footprint NFT that you have obtained through payment.
3) Seller's Pages
Sellers can register their market regardless of their location or states. They can upload their representative market picture(logo), market products and simple explanations, anyone can administer their market as a seller.
Demo Video (Youtube Link) :
Django Server :
NFT Smart-contract :
First install dependencies:
yarn install
To create and run a development build in a browser (recommended for development):
yarn dev
- Front-end: Nayeon Kim(@naaa187), Youngbin Park(@qkrybin) from Ewha Womans University
- Back-end & Blockchain : Soohyun Yeo(@soohyun99), Seungwon Choi(@seungwon2) from Ewha Womans University
- Project Managing: Jihwan Han (@jiwhan97-hash, from Yonsei University), Siwon Lee (@siwon-lee-ent, from Ewha Womans University)
- [gitmoji] : commit message
- Use the
imperative, present
tense - Use
lowercase letter
only - Don't use
. (Period)
at the end - Separate subject from body with a blank line
- Use the body to explain
"What & Why"
:sparkles: feat : (Introduce new features)
:bug: fix : (Fix a bug)
:recycle: refactor : (Refactoring)
:lipstick: style : (Update style; formatting, missing semi-colons, etc : Does not affect logic)
:memo: docs : (Add or update documentation)
:rocket: test : (Add, modify, and delete test codes : Does not affect logic)
:bulb: chore : (Additional changes; Modify build scripts, etc.)
:construction: bug : (Found a bug, Work in progress)
:building_construction: build : (Make architectural changes)