is a variant of the procedures used to run the @BARIexplorer Twitter bot. bariexplorer-urbanheat
was made to visualize data from and bring attention to a recent paper in the American Journal of Public Health. To learn more, visit the relevant post on the BARI website.
The full source code for the generation of tweet an images, along with links to data sources, can be found in the generate_tweets.ipynb Jupyter notebook. is used to run the Twitter bot. Before the Twitter bot can be run, Twitter API keys must be pasted into credentials.ini.template, and that file should be renamed to credentials.ini
As in the original BARIexplorer code, the BARI Geographical Infrastructure serves as the basis for street-level attributes, with the 2010 Boston Neighborhood Survey providing information about neighborhood sub-region bounds and the 2010 BostonGIS Neighborhood Boundaries providing less granular information as a fallback.
All images are created using geopandas, matplotlib, and contextily.
will not run under the latest version of matplotlib - see requirements.txt
for the appropriate version.