Streamlit component that allows to record mono audio from the user's microphone, and/or perform speech recognition directly.
pip install streamlit-mic-recorder
Two functions are provided (with the same front-end):
from streamlit_mic_recorder import mic_recorder
audio = mic_recorder(
start_prompt="Start recording",
stop_prompt="Stop recording",
Renders a button. Click to start recording, click to stop. Returns None or a dictionary with the following structure:
"bytes": audio_bytes, # audio bytes mono signal, can be processed directly by
"sample_rate": sample_rate, # depends on your browser's audio configuration
"sample_width": sample_width, # 2
"format": "webm", # The file format of the audio sample
"id": id # A unique timestamp identifier of the audio
sample_rate and sample_width are provided in case you need them for further audio processing.
- 'start/stop_prompt', the prompts appearing on the button depending on its recording state.
- 'just_once' determines if the widget returns the audio only once just after it has been recorded (and then None), or on every rerun of the app. Useful to avoid reprocessing the same audio twice.
- 'use_container_width' just like for st.button, determines if the button fills its container width or not.
- 'format': The desired file format of the audio sample (can be either "webm" or "wav")
- 'callback': an optional callback being called when a new audio is received
- 'args/kwargs': optional args and kwargs passed to the callback when triggered
When using a key for the widget, due to how streamlit's component API works, the associated state variable will only
contain the raw unprocessed output from the React frontend, which was not very practical.
For convenience, I added a special state variable to be able to access the output in the expected format (the dictionary
described above) more easily. If key
is the key you gave to the widget, you can acces the properly formatted output
via key+'_output'
in the session state.
Here is an example on how it can be used within a callback:
from streamlit_mic_recorder import mic_recorder
import streamlit as st
def callback():
if st.session_state.my_recorder_output:
audio_bytes = st.session_state.my_recorder_output['bytes']
mic_recorder(key='my_recorder', callback=callback)
from streamlit_mic_recorder import speech_to_text
text = speech_to_text(
start_prompt="Start recording",
stop_prompt="Stop recording",
Renders a button. Click to start recording, click to stop. Returns None or a text transcription of the recorded speech in the chosen language. Similarly to the mic_recorder function, you can pass a callback that will trigger when a new text transcription is received, and access this transcription directly in the session state by adding an '_output' suffix to the key you chose for the widget.
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_mic_recorder import speech_to_text
def callback():
if st.session_state.my_stt_output:
speech_to_text(key='my_stt', callback=callback)
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_mic_recorder import mic_recorder, speech_to_text
state = st.session_state
if 'text_received' not in state:
state.text_received = []
c1, c2 = st.columns(2)
with c1:
st.write("Convert speech to text:")
with c2:
text = speech_to_text(language='en', use_container_width=True, just_once=True, key='STT')
if text:
for text in state.text_received:
st.write("Record your voice, and play the recorded audio:")
audio = mic_recorder(start_prompt="⏺️", stop_prompt="⏹️", key='recorder')
if audio:['bytes'])
For those interested in using the mic recorder component with Whisper here is the script I'm using, working just fine for me.
from streamlit_mic_recorder import mic_recorder
import streamlit as st
import io
from openai import OpenAI
import os
def whisper_stt(openai_api_key=None, start_prompt="Start recording", stop_prompt="Stop recording", just_once=False,
use_container_width=False, language=None, callback=None, args=(), kwargs=None, key=None):
if not 'openai_client' in st.session_state:
st.session_state.openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=openai_api_key or os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'))
if not '_last_speech_to_text_transcript_id' in st.session_state:
st.session_state._last_speech_to_text_transcript_id = 0
if not '_last_speech_to_text_transcript' in st.session_state:
st.session_state._last_speech_to_text_transcript = None
if key and not key + '_output' in st.session_state:
st.session_state[key + '_output'] = None
audio = mic_recorder(start_prompt=start_prompt, stop_prompt=stop_prompt, just_once=just_once,
use_container_width=use_container_width,format="webm", key=key)
new_output = False
if audio is None:
output = None
id = audio['id']
new_output = (id > st.session_state._last_speech_to_text_transcript_id)
if new_output:
output = None
st.session_state._last_speech_to_text_transcript_id = id
audio_bio = io.BytesIO(audio['bytes']) = 'audio.webm'
success = False
err = 0
while not success and err < 3: # Retry up to 3 times in case of OpenAI server error.
transcript =
except Exception as e:
print(str(e)) # log the exception in the terminal
err += 1
success = True
output = transcript.text
st.session_state._last_speech_to_text_transcript = output
elif not just_once:
output = st.session_state._last_speech_to_text_transcript
output = None
if key:
st.session_state[key + '_output'] = output
if new_output and callback:
callback(*args, **(kwargs or {}))
return output
import streamlit as st
from whisper_stt import whisper_stt
text = whisper_stt(openai_api_key="<your_api_key>", language = 'en')
# If you don't pass an API key, the function will attempt to retrieve it as an environment variable : 'OPENAI_API_KEY'.
if text:
6 march 2024 : Added the possibility to choose the file format of the audio sample coming from the frontend.
- "webm" : compressed / low latency / natively supported by most browsers and Whisper API.
- "wav" : slower / supported by most STT engines.
Planning to add support for more audio file formats (mp3, ...)