movie discovery web application that allows users to search for movies, view details about them, and save their favorite movies.
- Clone the repository:
- Navigate to the project directory:
- Install the dependencies:
- Start the development server:
- Open your browser and visit
to access the application.
- Browse movies: Use the navigation menu to browse different categories of movies.
- Search for movies: Use the search bar to search for movies by title or keyword.
- View movie details: Click on a movie to view its details, including the synopsis, cast, and reviews.
- axios: ^1.5.0
- bootstrap: ^5.3.1
- dotenv: ^16.3.1
- framer-motion: ^10.16.4
- react: ^18.2.0
- react-bootstrap: ^2.8.0
- react-dom: ^18.2.0
- react-icons: ^4.11.0
- react-query: ^3.39.3
- react-router-dom: ^6.15.0
- styled-components: ^6.0.7
: Start the development
: Build the production-ready version of the application.lint
: Run ESLint to lint the project files.preview
: Preview the built project locally.